Enron Mail

Subject:REVISED Shipper Meeting Information
Date:Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:38:50 -0700 (PDT)

PSCo Shipper Meeting October 16, 2001
9:00 AM - Noon
Full Breakfast beginning 8:30 AM

NOTE: Public Service Company (PSCo) will be closed for nominations & confirmations on Tuesday October 16, 2001. The following nomination/confirmation schedule will be in place for the upcoming closure.

Nominations for October 16th & 17th due via EBB or Fax by 10:30 AM (MST) Monday, October 15th

If you have any questions regarding this schedule, please contact your Transportation Specialist.

Mark your calendars to attend PSCo's Fall Shipper Meeting, scheduled to begin at 9 AM, ending at noon, Tuesday, October 16th. A full breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30 AM. The meeting has moved to:

The Denver Athletic Club
4th Floor Ball Room
1325 Glenarm Place
Denver, CO 80204

Shipper Meeting Topics: The meeting will review procedures and information related to existing and proposed new changes concerning PSCo's gas transportation services. Topics will include:
Operational Flow Orders
New tariff filing addressing credit, other issues
Aggregate Balancing service that will be available shortly

Workshops: In addition to the Shipper meeting, PSCo will also be hosting a series of workshops beginning in November, designed to dig down into the specific details of Aggregate Balancing. We recommend these workshops for schedulers, and Marketers interested in understanding the details surrounding Aggregate Balancing platforms. Information concerning workshop dates and registration will be posted within the next two weeks.

To Register for Shipper Meeting:
Please let us know no later than October 11th, if you plan to attend the October 16 Shipper Meeting so we can ensure adequate materials are on hand. To register, please fax the following information to Marilyn Arrick at (303) 571-7001, or e-mail Marilyn at marilyn.arrick@xcelenergy.com.

You can also contact Marilyn at (303) 571-7719 if you have any questions concerning the meeting.

Participant Name:


Mailing Address:


e-mail address:

If you would like to pre-submit any questions to addressed during the meeting, please complete the following:

David Briggs - Xcel Energy
Project Administrator
Certified Web Designer
Phone: (303) 571-7812
Fax: (303) 571-7001
Email: David.Briggs@Xcelenergy.Com