Enron Mail

To:bryce.baxter@enron.com, kathryn.bussell@enron.com, cheryl.dawes@enron.com,margaret.dhont@enron.com, terry.ed@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com, donna.greif@enron.com, m.hall@enron.com, melanie.harwell@enron.com, kevin.heal@enron.com, camp.howard@enron.co
Subject:Revised Month end close document - December 2001
Cc:cynthia.clark@enron.com, dba.dl-sql@enron.com, terris.kyle-watson@enron.com,robert.laurel@enron.com, mutaz.mallak@enron.com, daniel.martinez@enron.com, matt.pena@enron.com, ramesh.rao@enron.com, chris.schomer@enron.com, m..smith@enron.com, sql_mail@en
Bcc:cynthia.clark@enron.com, dba.dl-sql@enron.com, terris.kyle-watson@enron.com,robert.laurel@enron.com, mutaz.mallak@enron.com, daniel.martinez@enron.com, matt.pena@enron.com, ramesh.rao@enron.com, chris.schomer@enron.com, m..smith@enron.com, sql_mail@en
Date:Wed, 26 Dec 2001 08:43:59 -0800 (PST)



-----Original Message-----
From: Melethil, Anwar
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1:34 PM
To: Baxter, Bryce; Bussell l, Kathryn; Dawes, Cheryl; Dhont, Margaret; Ed Terry; Farmer, Daren J.; Greif, Donna; Hall, Bob M; Harwell, Melanie; Heal, Kevin; Howard Camp; Jacobs, Charles; Jaquet, Tammy; John Lopez; Kinsey, Lisa; Lamadrid, Victor; Machleit, Shirley; Mcclure, Mark; McFatridge, Tom; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Palmer, B. Scott; Pinion, Richard; Reeves, Leslie; Smith, George F.; Staab, Theresa; Sullivan, Patti; Superty, Robert; Valderrama, Lisa; Wynne, Rita
Cc: Clark, Cynthia; Cuccia, Michael; DL-SQL Server DBA; Kyle-Watson, Terris; Laurel, Robert; Mallak, Mutaz; Martinez, Daniel; Pena, Matt; Rao, Ramesh; Schomer, Chris; Smith, Regan M.; SQL_MAIL; Ward, Bob; Warner, John; Zwiers, Jeff
Subject: December 2001 - Month end close document

Hi All,

attached is the month end close document for December 2001. please review it and let me know if you would like to make any changes.

<< File: Month End Close -December01.doc <<

Anwar Melethil