Enron Mail

To:jay.reitmeyer@enron.com, theresa.staab@enron.com
Subject:FW: Medicine Bow Tie-In Capacity
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:57:32 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Lobban, Laine [mailto:Laine.Lobban@ElPaso.com]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 11:50 AM
To: 'connie.schenderlein@williams.com'; 'wayne.ellis@williams.com';
'kelly.knowlton@williams.com'; 'bill.wince@dvn.com';
'cathy.pennington@dvn.com'; 'don.mauldin@dvn.com';
'tmchendry@cmsenergy.com'; 'mwhitt@enron.com'; 'plucci@enron.com';
'kfhampton@marathonoil.com'; 'arichmon@westerngas.com';
'rallen@westerngas.com'; 'jgraham700@aol.com'; 'vcampbel@utilicorp.com';
'jmhasti@ppco.com'; 'bjeffrie@westerngas.com';
'mamiller@marathonoil.com'; Reitmeyer, Jay
Cc: Coombs, Craig; Zinko, Don; Price, Tom; Wood, Sally; Warhover, Judy;
Saye, Steven; Dalene, Scott; Gerlich, Peter; Hutton, Tarry; Koerner,
Steve; Tomlinson, Robert T.; Harris, Roland; Cook, Mark; Palazzari,
Catherine; Westhoff, Mark; Riter, Maureen
Subject: Medicine Bow Tie-In Capacity

Dear Medicine Bow Shipper:

This morning, WIC requested authorization from the FERC to place the
Medicine Bow Loop project (pipeline and compression) into service. We
requested and anticipate approval next week, and assuming that approval, the
project will be placed in service late next week. Under the terms of your
Medicine Bow Loop contracts, the reservation rates and your initial first
month MDQ's will become effective December 1, 2001. I will update you on
any developments and notify you when we have received and accepted the
approval requested above.

For Medicine Bow Lateral Shippers, your MDQ's will proceed as set forth in
your contracts, and you will see a reduction in your rate for November to
12.6 cents per dth (to reflect total MDQ's exceeding 350 Mdth/day) and for
December to 12.0 cents per dth (to reflect the Medicine Bow Loop

Please call me if you have any questions.

Laine Lobban
719-331-3379 (cell)

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