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Enron Mail |
Hello to all!
Here is the promised email address book. There are still people missing, but it's a pretty good start. I will volunteer to be the keeper of the master list for a while, and will send out updates monthly or when needed to everyone. If there is anyone missing from the email list or something needs to be changed, please send it to me. If I should ever go back to work, I will find a volunteer in the family to be the master keeper of the list. I did receive an error on Vern, Brad and Greg when sending this email. Hopefully someone can send me their correct email address. I put this address book together to accomplish two things. First, I am writing a family cookbook so I need to be able to communicate individually with all of you. More on that later. Second, this should give the guys putting together the next reunion a little easier way to correspond with the family rather that having to mail to everyone. This way they only have to mail to those not on the list. Now, for what this list is not for. This is not for any of you to send group emails for jokes and cartoons, or chain letters. Some of the people on this list have given work email addresses. They cannot receive improper emails (especially if you work for the ATF). If any of you do start receiving unwanted emails, please let that person know immediately to stop. If they do not stop, please let me know and we will remove them from the family email list. Thanks to all of you that helped me to get this information. I am still working on getting more addresses, so let me know if you have any. For those of you that haven't heard this yet, I am trying to write a family cookbook. I am hoping to get the recipes for everything our parents used to make for us while we were growing up. I also want to get three or four of your own favorite recipes from each cousin. There will be other nice tidbits in the cookbook about everyone, maybe a story from when you were growing up? Or even something current in your life. I will not send out mass emails very often. I will be talking individually to each of you over the next couple of months. So for any of you that just can't wait for that individual contact, please send your recipes in now. Bill Billinger is sending his this week, I think? This is exciting to me to get this address book out to all of you. This is such an awesome family, and I love the fact that I can stay in touch with all of you. If you need to call me, my phone number is 303-773-6021. Love you all! Becky RichB@ruraltel.net, mbillinger1@ruraltel.net (Earl and Mary), logan@klondyke.net (Mary Kay Pfeifauf), bbillinger@media-net.net (Bill Billinger), vbillinger@mpdr0.detroit.mi.Ameritech.net (Veronica Billinger), mbrownj@home.com (Mike and Jill Brown), elbrown@iquest.net (Ed Brown), cklemont@hotmail.com (Chuck and Kenda Lemont), mabrown@tir.com (Marlene), advadv@ruraltel.net (Wayne), dot810@flash.net (Vern and Dot), foodseller@onemain.com (Dave and Becky), staabjw@home.com (John and Deb), tmkmcc@aol.com (Melissa), kenstaab4@hotmail.com (Ken and Connie), staabfam@eaglecom.net (Randy), DOLL100@aol.com (Sandy Holzmeister), staab@bstaab.com (Bill Staab), dstaab@iastate.edu (Dave Staab jr.), staabfam@media-net.net (Randy and Paula Staab), Beckynoodl@aol.com (Becky and Cook), kawharry@aol.com (Kelly and Walt), vbgooroo@aol.com (Chris and Jen Lang), pbollig@mailbox.tcfbank.com (Pepper Bollig), rbollig@qwest.net (Rick), btom33@earthlink.net (Tom), kbollig1@earthlink.net (Ken), jcookiew@aol.com (Jan and Jack), hinstas@uswest.net (betsy hinkle), hoguta@aol.com (Bobbi Hoguta), wliteral@netscape.net (Sharla Literal), Theresa.Staab@enron.com (Jeff and Theresa), Westlake@idcomm. (Steve Staab), paulstaab@yahoo (Sonny Staab), dianastaab@aol.com (Mark and DeeDee Staab), Nstaab@aol.com (Norman and Barbara), Sstaab@aol.com (Sandy of Norman), lstaab@uswest.net (Larry), kgschmidt@media-net.net (Karen and Gary), kfisher@fhsu.edu (Kaleen), ykstaab@home.com (Kevin), Michael_A_Staab@jonesday.com (Mike of Frank), castaab@phoe.atf.treas.gov (Cindy of Buddy), staabdw@msn.com (Darold), cindypayne0307@aol.com (Cindy of Joe)