Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Denver Deals
Date:Thu, 13 Dec 2001 07:07:59 -0800 (PST)


Congratulations on your new job! I certainly understand you leaving. I really enjoyed working with you and I'll hate to see you go (At least before the rest of us get let go).

Amy was let go last Friday here along with another guy. It's only Mark Whitt, Paul Lucci and myself left.

I am working on the November producers today as a matter of fact. I am hoping to complete them today or tomorrow morning.

I have a walk through on my new house tomorrow afternoon and could possibly be moving on Monday or Tuesday, otherwise it'll be next Thursday. I wanted to get all of this out of the way before my move.

I'll get busy now and hopefully email you later today.


-----Original Message-----
From: Parker, Megan
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 6:41 AM
To: Staab, Theresa; Felling, Amy
Subject: Denver Deals

I just wanted to let you know that I have given two weeks notice. I need a little more stability in my work environment. My last day at Enron will be 12/26 and I'm taking a vacation day on 12/21. I'm telling you this because I want to be able to complete the November Powder River and Lost Creek deals before I go. I know we probably won't be paying anybody, but at least they will be reflected correctly in the system. It would be great if I could have the files by the 18th or 19th.

Also, please look at Howell for Oct 2001. I see some volume reversing in the system.

I hope everything worked out Okay with your rent.
