Enron Mail

Subject:RE: September payment support
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 14:13:07 -0700 (PDT)

Was our purchase tied to this wire your accounting group received?

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Koelemay [mailto:akoelemay@cogc.com]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 3:05 PM
To: Staab, Theresa
Subject: Re: September payment support

Please check with Amy to see who will be responsible for the information in the future so I or the accounting folks will know who to contact. thanks............

"Staab, Theresa" wrote:

< Alan,
< I'm not sure that our purchase is equivalent to the $1.55 purchase but I
< assumed you received an e-mail from Amy Felling in our office.
< Here's the September purchase for September. Let me know if you have
< further questions.
< Thanks,
< Theresa
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Alan Koelemay [mailto:akoelemay@cogc.com]
< Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 1:01 PM
< To: Staab, Theresa
< Cc: Cynthia Castle
< Subject: September payment support
< Accounting has received a wire that they are now looking for backup.
< Their initial review indicates that the pricing seems low. I know that
< pricing is pretty pitiful, but Gas Daily monthly average for Sept was
< about $1.55 per MM. Please forward the backup today if possible so we
< can review. Thanks............
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