Enron Mail

To:'peters@enron.com, carmen.peters@nissan-usa.com
Subject:RE: Thanksgiving
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 13:31:57 -0700 (PDT)

That's sounds fine to me. Would they go horse back riding that day or a different day? Where they live will there be things for the kids to do? It sounds like they have a lot of kids around so there should be things for them to do.

I talked to Jan this morning about a bigger cabin and the 10 person one is the biggest one. She called and reserved another 4 person one for $100. I'm gonna call Tim and let him know that he and Dawn can have that one.

I'll call you at work too because I'm never sure if you get these e-mails from me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peters, Carmen [mailto:carmen.peters@nissan-usa.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:24 PM
To: 'Theresa'; 'Tim & Dawn'
Subject: Thanksgiving

Hi There!
I got an email message from Sandy this morning and she has a good idea. She wants Dad to make chicken booyah for us all at their house on Saturday. What do you think?

Here's part of her message;

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Wise [SMTP:SWise@ophir-esd.k12.ca.us]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:45 AM
To: Peters, Carmen
Subject: RE: Hunting & Thanksgiving

Hi Carmen,

Still having problems with virus here, so our email has been up and down.

Verle told me your family is coming for Thanksgiving, how exciting! I have
about 27 coming for sure and maybe 7 more. My other two nephews and their
families have told grandma they want to come, but I have not heard from
them. I was hoping Mike was willing to make boulia (sp?) maybe on
Saturday. We could do it at my house. If he will cook I will buy! That
would be so much fun, that way we could meet your family and you could meet the rest of Verle's. I would love to take Dawn and Sara riding. When will
you know for sure if they are coming?

Well, I had better get to work. Thanks for all the email.

See ya, Sandy