Enron Mail

To:carol.clair@enron.com, chris.foster@enron.com
Subject:RE: Revised EEI Cover Sheet
Date:Wed, 16 May 2001 06:46:00 -0700 (PDT)

Carol and Chris,
I'm not sure Sharon knows what she is doing. If we accept her blacklined
changes, it seems to me we go back to the original EEI language about
penalties which we like. Perhaps we should just try this. The drafting
technique she wants to use does not get her where she thinks it does.

If and when her attorney reads this thing, the issue will be: do we remain
silent about penalties, or do we go into more detail? We want to go into
more detail if they cannot accept the standard language.

Our choice seems to be: 1. Tell her we accept her change and sign the cover
sheet and try to blow it by them, or 2. open the can of worms of more detail
and get it over with. Let's discuss this. ----cgy

-----Original Message-----
From: St Clair, Carol
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 10:32 AM
To: Yoder, Christian
Subject: RE: Revised EEI Cover Sheet

Carol St. Clair
EB 3889
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)
----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 05/16/2001 12:32 PM -----

"Firooz, Sharon" <SFirooz@SDGE.com< 05/16/2001 12:30 PM To:
"'Chris.H.Foster@enron.com'" <Chris.H.Foster@enron.com< cc:
Carol.St.Clair@enron.com, "Tierney, Michael C." <MTierney@sempra.com<
Subject: RE: Revised EEI Cover Sheet

Chris, we are leaning more toward the generic language and think that it
could expedite the approval process. I have attached the language we propose
which basically deletes the specific language regarding penalty for
replacement and sale prices (see section 1.a (1) and (2)in the attached). I
wanted to send this to you quickly before you spent a lot of time on the
other one. THX

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris.H.Foster@enron.com [mailto:Chris.H.Foster@enron.com << File: SDGE
(3-20-01)_.doc << ]
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 6:20 AM
To: SFirooz@SDGE.com
Cc: Carol.St.Clair@enron.com
Subject: RE: Revised EEI Cover Sheet


As indicated by my previous e-mail to you, since Shari Stack has left
Enron, it will take me a couple days to resurrect this EEI. Later today it
is likely I will reconfirm that we are ready to sign the last draft we
sent. Subsequently, I will get you a clear statement as to alternative
language that leaves the Replacement Cost definition less clear ala WSPP.



-----Original Message-----
From: "Firooz, Sharon" <SFirooz@SDGE.com<@ENRON

ON@ENRON.com ]

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 11:05 AM
To: Foster, Chris H.
Subject: FW: Revised EEI Cover Sheet

As we discussed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Shari.Stack@enron.com [mailto:Shari.Stack@enron.com << File: SDGE
(3-20-01).doc << ]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 3:23 PM
To: sfirooz@sdge.com; mtierney@sempra.com
Cc: Chris.H.Foster@enron.com
Subject: Revised EEI Cover Sheet
The attached draft EEI Cover Sheet contains the latest amendments to the
Replacement Price/Sales Price definitions. The changes are blacklined -
everything else has remained the same.
Shari Stack
Enron North America, Legal Department
Tel: (713) 853-9477
(See attached file: SDGE (3-20-01).doc)

- SDGE (3-20-01).doc

- SDGE (3-20-01)_.doc