Enron Mail

Subject:How Are you?
Date:Fri, 21 Jul 2000 03:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thought I would try e-mailing you since using the phone is more of a
challenge. So far so good although I can't say that we are on any type of
schedule. Before I forget, what is the name of the breast pump that you are
using? Looks like the one that I have is not that great. How many ounces
should I expect to be able to pump? I'm trying to judge whether I should
keep this pump. Anyway, back to Charles Eugene, he is pretty much of a night
owl so i try to sleep when he does when I can. We are ion a feeding frenzy
every 21/2 to 3 hours and I'm hoping I can extend that at night soon. Any
suggestions? What type of formula do you use? Alos, do you have any secret
methods for putting Jillian down to sleep? Do you let her suck on a
pacifier? All Charles wants to do is suck on me. Arthur was better at
falling asleep on his own.

How's Jillian doing ? I can't wait to see a picture of her and I will be
sending out pictures soon. Arthur is adjusting well. He is really into
tennis now which I am thrilled about. We were able to convince Bill's mother
not to come this weekend because I am not quite up to a visit. I think she
took it well but you never can tell, but at this point I really don't care
what she thinks because i am not ready for her to visit until I'm more mobile
which hopefully I will be in another week or 2.

How are you and Cate doing? Can you talk to mom about scheduling a visit so
that we can schedule a christening date? Bill's older sister's husband Bill
is the godfather. Mom mentioned late August but I would like to pin
something down soon so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Well, I've got to go as I hear Charles waking up. Take care both of you and
call or write me.

Love, Carol

Carol St. Clair
EB 3892
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)