Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 16 Nov 2000 03:19:00 -0800 (PST)

I'm looking forward to seeing you on the 21st and getting somewhat caught
up. I thought that it might be helpful to you to let you know what I have
been thinking about in terms of work, although I would ask that you keep this
confidential until we have had a chance to talk further and make some

First, if I do return to work, it will not be until sometime in January and
you and I can talk about a date that makes sense. I think that this is
consistent with what we had talked about before I left.

Second, I would like for you to give some thought to the idea of me working
part-time for a period of time. Bill and I have talked about this alot, and
I feel that I need some time at the outset to make the transition from what I
have been doing to going back to work. We can discuss further what this
means, but I really feel that it would not be good for me or my family for me
to start off working full time.

Next, I would like to talk with you about what my responsibilities would be
in the swap group if I return and have a clearer understanding of the areas
in which you would want me to work, particularly now that we have more
people. I know that alot of chnages have occurred in the last few months
and I'm hoping that there are specific work areas that I could devote my
attention to.

Those are my thoughts for now. As for my office, I really don't care where
it is or how large it is so just do what you need to do. I hope that you are
doing well and I'm really looking forward to seeing you. I will bring
pictures of Charles. He is doing great! Take care.

Carol St. Clair

EB 3892
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)