Enron Mail

Subject:New Paycheck Information!
Date:Wed, 19 Jul 2000 05:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

Carol St. Clair
EB 3892
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)
----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 07/19/00 12:44 PM -----

=09Apollo and Beyond@ENRON
=09Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
=0907/14/00 11:49 AM
=09=09 To: All US Enron Employees
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: New Paycheck Information!

Introducing your first SAP Paycheck!

This is the first payroll processed in SAP for all employees paid out of=20
Corporate Payroll. You may notice some changes in the way information is=20
reflected on your pay advice, the most common are itemized below.

What=01,s Different?
? Your =01+home=01, cost center will be displayed at the top of the pay adv=
This is your department number as designated in the HR and financial module=
of SAP.

? Any earnings descriptions that start with a =01+P=01, represent earning t=
reported in the prior period. For instance, if you reported vacation time f=
the July 1st-15th pay period, it will be reflected on your July 31st pay=20
advice as =01+PVacation=01,.

? Flex dollars will appear on the earnings section of the pay advice instea=
of as a credit in the deduction section. The various benefit deductions wil=
remain itemized in the deduction section.

? If you transfer between Enron companies during the year, your year=01)to-=
totals will carry forward to the new company pay advice. Previously, the=20
year-to-date totals started over when transferred to another company. This=
change will provide your total Enron earnings and deduction amounts on your=
pay advice throughout the year. (Note that your W2 at the end of the year=
will reflect your earnings by company).

? For salaried employees, any reported exception time (e.g. vacation, sick=
day, etc.) will be reflected on the earnings section with hours only, the=
related dollar amount will be included in the =01+Salary=01, earnings type.=

? For any other information or further explanations regarding your payroll=
contact the Payroll Call Center at 713-345-5555

Payroll FAQ=01,s

My paycheck has a line called =01&other deductions=018, what does that stan=
d for?
There is a fixed amount of lines to print deductions on the paycheck. For=
some employees, the number of deductions are more than we have room to=20
print. In this circumstance, the system totals all remaining deductions an=
prints them on one line =01) titled =01&other deductions=018. The detail o=
f all=20
deductions can be viewed on the pay advice that is displayed on the intrane=
at eHRonline.enron.com.

What do the earnings or deduction codes on my paycheck mean?
These definitions are listed on the Payroll webpage located at=20
hrweb.enron.com, select Enron Payroll from the side index.

Why is my overtime not reflected on my paycheck?
Overtime is paid one pay period in arrears, therefore it will be reflected =
the next pay period. For example, if you reported overtime for the=20
July 1st =01)15th pay period, it will be reflected on your July 31st pay ad=
as =01+POvertime=01,.

What is the limit for Social Security (FICA)?
For year 2000 the limit is $4,724.40 on a wage base of $76,200. This limit =
applied to each Enron payroll tax company. Therefore, if you transfer to=20
another Enron company these limits will start over, however, the total amou=
withheld across all companies will be reflected on your paystub. Excess FIC=
will be credited to you by the IRS via your tax return.

What federal income tax rate is used for my bonus or when I exercise stock=
There is a standard federal income tax rate of 28% for these earnings. This=
can be higher if the employee has completed a Supplemental Tax form=20
requesting a higher rate (this form can be found at hrweb.enron.com , selec=
Enron Payroll from the side index).