Enron Mail |
Please call Leslie Hansen with respect to power issues. Her number is 713-853-6121. Carol "Reece, Lin" <Lin.Reece@SouthernEnergy.Com< 06/15/2000 02:45 PM To: "'Carol.St.Clair@enron.com'" <Carol.St.Clair@enron.com< cc: Subject: RE: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC I just faxed the agreement back to you. Thanks for your help with this. I need a contact for Enron Power Marketing to do the same for the master power agreement. -----Original Message----- From: Carol.St.Clair@enron.com [mailto:Carol.St.Clair@enron.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:26 PM To: Lin.Reece@SouthernEnergy.Com Subject: RE: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC Lin: Yes, that's right the Confirmation Reply per your earloier request remains as is. My fax number is 713-646-3393. Carol St. Clair EB 3892 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) "Reece, Lin" <Lin.Reece@SouthernE To: "'Carol.St.Clair@enron.com'" <Carol.St.Clair@enron.com< nergy.Com< cc: "McGough, Scott" <Scott.McGough@SouthernEnergy.Com< Subject: RE: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC 06/14/2000 04:12 PM Thanks so much. I'm sending your revisions to Scott for review. The Confirmation Reply has been totally red lined out of these attachments, but I am assuming that it remains as we originally designed it. Please advise if this is not correct. If your changes are accepted, I will print a copy and have Scott McGough execute it. Please give me your fax number so that I can fax it to you. Regards, Lin Reece -----Original Message----- From: Carol.St.Clair@enron.com [mailto:Carol.St.Clair@enron.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 4:13 PM To: Lin.Reece@SouthernEnergy.Com Cc: Larry.Joe.Hunter@enron.com Subject: RE: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC Lin: Enclosed is a revised letter. (See attached file: Southern Confirm Letter 2 RED.DOC)(See attached file: Southern Confirm Letter 2.DOC) Carol St. Clair EB 3892 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) "Reece, Lin" <Lin.Reece@SouthernE To: "'Carol.St.Clair@enron.com'" <Carol.St.Clair@enron.com< nergy.Com< cc: "McGough, Scott" <Scott.McGough@SouthernEnergy.Com<, "'larry.joe.hunter@enron.com'" <larry.joe.hunter@enron.com< 06/14/2000 11:21 AM Subject: RE: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC Dear Carol, We do not want to create an agreement specfic coversheet for each counterparty. Is there some way to put language in the body of the letter agreement to address your concerns. The procedure we are proposing is intended to supplement current requirements in the ISDA, not replace them. If you feel that additional definition needs to be added to the confirmation process, shouldn't we put that definition in the letter agreement rather than on the cover sheet? Our goal is to be able to expedite our response to counterparty confirms. In order to do this we need to have the same cover sheet in place for each counterparty. Please call me at 678-579-3378 so that we may discuss possible solutions. Thanks, Lin -----Original Message----- From: Carol.St.Clair@enron.com [mailto:Carol.St.Clair@enron.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 11:12 AM To: Lin.Reece@SouthernEnergy.Com Cc: Larry.Joe.Hunter@enron.com Subject: Re: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC Lin: Enclosed are clean and marked versions of my redo of the reply letter. (See attached file: Southern Confirm Letter 2 RED.DOC)(See attached file: Southern Confirm Letter 2.DOC) Carol St. Clair EB 3892 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) "Reece, Lin" <Lin.Reece@SouthernE To: "'carol.st.clair@enron.com'" <carol.st.clair@enron.com< nergy.Com< cc: Subject: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC 06/13/2000 02:25 PM <<CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC<< Carol, Please feel free to change the letter agreement. The coversheet needs to remain as it is, because we are using this same sheet for all counterparties. Thanks, Lin (See attached file: CONFIRMATION COVERSHEET PROCESS LTR.DOC)