Enron Mail

To:stacy.dickson@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com
Subject:Re: Enron-online
Date:Mon, 8 May 2000 11:13:00 -0700 (PDT)

Stacy or Jeff:
Could you please verify that Frank's answers to the physical questions are
correct? Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000
06:12 PM ---------------------------

From: Frank L Davis
05/08/2000 06:09 PM

To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Enron-online

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for your help!!!!


Alastair_Riach@cargill.com on 05/08/2000 08:54:36 AM
To: fdavis@enron.com
Subject: Enron-online


Appreciate if you can add yur commnets as discussed last week so we
can then proceed as soon as possible


______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: Enron-online
Author: Alastair Riach at hdqt
Date: 5/3/00 9:46 AM


To follow up on our conversation earlier this week I'd like to confirm
my understanding of how the terms on Enron-online will work.

1.Enron-online is a medium for executing a transaction with Enron...an
electronic method just as phone is a verbal method


2.Financial trades in North American will be traded with Enron North
Physical trades in US will be with Enron NA other than in Texas where
is will be Houston Pipeline Company(please can you clarify this aspect
for gas moving out of Texas on interstate pipelines)
Physical trades in Canada will be with Enron Canada

The first sentence is correct. Physical NATURAL GAS trades in US will be
with Enron North America for locations outside of Texas and Houston Pipeline
Company for locations within Texas. Physical NATURAL GAS trades in Canada
can be with either Enron North America or Enron Canada Corp, depending on the

3.All financial deals will be governed by the cargill/Enron ISDA
agreement presently being negotiated

Once executed, the ISDA signed be Cargill and Enron will govern any
financial trades entered into by the entities that signed this agreement.

4.Physical deals will be governed by the executed GISB agreement in

Physical NATURAL GAS deals, entered into by the entities that executed a
GISB agreement, will be governed by said agreement.

5.Cargill will need to have two accounts to differentiate Cargill Inc
from Cargill Canada


Given the above summary, Cargill will look to set up two accounts as
per (5) above, to commence trading with Enron-online.

If you have any comments on above or can speed the setting up of our
accounts, please feel free to e.mail me back today


Alastair Riach - Trading manager Natural Gas

(tel 612 984 3021)