Enron Mail

Subject:Re: LC Form
Date:Fri, 12 May 2000 09:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please take a look at what we have agreed to in Section 4(b) of the
amendment. Your new language does not track that language and if you are
going to add language to the LC it needs to track that language. I
personally feel that this language is unnecessary so long as the drawing
condition is specified.

"Karen Ector" <karen_ector@transcanada.com<
05/12/2000 04:42 PM

To: Carol St Clair <Carol.St.Clair@enron.com<
Subject: Re: LC Form


The additional transfer language is sufficient.

I black lined an insert to address TEFP's concern that the letter of credit
may be exercised on
default, only when funds are owed.

Please advise if this change is acceptable to Enron. (If it is, I will print
copies of the
attached, & replace the existing letter of credit format with the attached
document, so that
Susan does not have to generate executions copies again.)

Thank you,


Carol St Clair wrote:

< Karen:
< Enclosed is a new draft of the LC Form in which I have incorporated some
< additional transfer language that hopefully deals with your issue. Please
< it on to the people taht need to see it. Thanks.
< (See attached file: TransCanada LC Form 5-12.doc)
< Carol St. Clair
< EB 3892
< 713-853-3989 (Phone)
< 713-646-3393 (Fax)
< ------------------------------------------------------------------------
< Name: TransCanada LC Form 5-12.doc
< Type: Microsoft Word Document
< TransCanada LC Form 5-12.doc Encoding: base64
< Description: Mac Word 3.0
< Download Status: Not downloaded with message

- TransCanada LC Form 5-121R.doc