Enron Mail

Subject:Re: The "Waiting Game"
Date:Wed, 19 Jul 2000 14:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

I just got to open this up now. Thanks for sending this and the card. What
a week it has been. I'm happy to report that we are all home now and except
for a lack of sleep, we are all doing well. I ended up having Charles Eugene
by C-section and then had to spend the next 5 days in the hospital while they
tried to figure out why he was breathing erratically. They ran all sorts of
tests on him (including a spinal tap) and the good news is that he just had
some fluid in his lungs which he didn't get rid of as part of the birthing
process. He is okay now and a true joy! Arthur and Bill have been a big
help. It's nice to have someone around with me during the day. Arthur
visited my parents right before Charles was born and had a great time. They
spoiled him to death but I was thrilled that he made the trip there and
wished we could do that more often. As for me, I hope to take from now until
the end of the year off from work and then decide what I want to do. I'm
looking forward to the extended leave even though most of it will be unpaid
but it will be worth it and hopefully Charles will benefit from it.

How are things with you? Have you seen the shore house? It is quite a
place. I'm hoping that mom and sue will come for a visit in late August.
Sue is Charles' godmother.

Well I need to get back to the baby. stay in touch and thanks again for
thinking of us. Pictures will come soon. Love, Carol

07/10/00 05:18 PM

To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: The "Waiting Game"

Dear Carol, Bill, and Arthur...

Have been thinking of you and the impending "arrival" in a big way, these
days...and as a result, wrote a little poem concerning him....and you....here

You're coming soon, little one
To fill their lives with love and fun
and hope, and joy...
Their second son.....
You lucky, lucky boy!

This gift from 'God
is making his debut...
In just a few days
he's coming to you
To be loved,
to be fed,
to be put to bed
with music and lullabies
and kisses when he cries....


You will help him
as he grows,
And love and protect him,
Heaven knows!
And there'll be no other
like his big brother!


So love him lots
with all your heart..
And help him
as he makes his start
into this world
so very strange
with every day,
some kind of change........
But, as one, I know
you wonderful "three"
Will adore this addition
To your "family tree".....

With much love,
Annie Bananie

Hope all goes well for you, Carol.....You are always in my thoughts and
Let me know when the great event happens.....
