Enron Mail

To:carolyn_moss@dom.com, howedja@aol.com, frank.p.lacey@us.arthurandersen.com,lola_infante@yahoo.com, thomas.m.myers@arthurandersen.com, jhowe@amsuper.com, bprindle@ase.org, rmagnus@alleghenypower.com, ttribone@aesc.com, jmeyer@reliant.com, jonesbe@arlaw
Subject:Minutes of Our Last Forum Meeting in June 2001
Cc:jwimberly@caem.org, kmalloy@caem.org
Bcc:jwimberly@caem.org, kmalloy@caem.org
Date:Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

July 13, 2001

TO: Participants of the DISCO of the Future Forum

BY: Jamie Wimberly

RE: Minutes of Our Last Forum Meeting in June

Please find attached the minutes of our last Forum meeting. The minutes
should be considered as a roadmap for what we will revise in the final
report and what needs to be further considered by the respective

- DISCO II June Minutes.doc