Enron Mail

To:richard.shapiro@enron.com, j..kean@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com,susan.mara@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com
Subject:FW: [Fwd: Oct. 29 Lunch]
Date:Wed, 10 Oct 2001 07:32:40 -0700 (PDT)

It seems that since we've already contributed, we're invited. Given where Davis' numbers have gone recently, Riordan's imminent announcement and potential, and the fact that the Rs have played it about as well as could be expected under the circumstances (save for Morrow, who we may want to bring up with Brulte if the lunch is attended, this could be a useful gathering. And it doesn't require crossing the border into California, to boot.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hedy Govenar [mailto:hgovenar@govadv.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 4:12 PM
To: Kaufman, Paul; Jeff Dasovich; sgovenar@govadv.com
Subject: [Fwd: Oct. 29 Lunch]

Enron gave $50k to the Rep party at Brulte and Cox's request. If Enron
is participating, please let us know. Also, this is a reminder that
Scott will be back in early Nov. and I will return Nov. 12th. Behave
yourselves. Fondly, Hedy

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <Scott.Sadler@reliant.com<
To: theo.pahos@mirant.com, kelly@hnks.com, greg.blue@dynegy.com, rachel.king@elpaso.com, john.g.larrea@williams.com, hgovenar@govadv.com, Mark Nobili <mnobili@cal-lobby.com<, clondon@rosekindel.com
Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2001 6:49:42 GMT

This time with the attachment.


(See attached file: letbetterinvite.doc)

----- Forwarded by Scott A Sadler/ADM/HouInd on 10/08/2001 11:40 PM -----

Scott A
Sadler To: theo.pahos@mirant.com, kelly@hnks.com, greg.blue@dynegy.com,
rachel.king@elpaso.com, john.g.larrea@williams.com, hgovenar@govadv.com,
10/09/2001 Mark Nobili <mnobili@cal-lobby.com<, clondon@rosekindel.com
01:42 PM cc:
Subject: Oct. 29 Lunch

Theo, Hedy, Anne, Greg, John, Rachel, Mark, Carl

Attached is an invitation letter from Reliant's CEO Steve Letbetter to the
CEO and President's of your company/energy client.

Jim Brulte and Dave Cox asked Reliant to host a lunch for them with energy
industry executives in Houston and we will be doing do on October 29th.
Jim and Dave will be making follow up calls to the principals. I wanted
you each to know this was happening and see the invitation. The financial
commitment is attached to attending the lunch but the pitch will be made to
support the Senate/Assembly Leadership account at the CA Republican Party.

This invitation is only going to energy industry executives, although there
is a possibility a few other Texas companies might be included.

Expect a call from Jeff Miller encouraging you to support attending when
asked by your client/company.

Hope to see you in Houston on the 29th.
