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-----Original Message----- From: Watson, Ann [mailto:anw@cpuc.ca.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 1:22 PM To: 'smara@enron.com' Subject: FW: MOTION SEEKING ORDER OR STAY CANCELING OR SUSPENDING CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES LONG-TERM ENERGY CONTRACTS AND ASSOCIATED I OU RATE SCHEDULES FOR LACK OF PROPER NOTICE UNDER THE FPA Ann Watson Advisor to Commissioner Bilas California Public Utilities Commission (415) 703-1175 fax: (415) 703-5091 email: anw@cpuc.ca.gov -----Original Message----- From: Boyd, Mike [ <mailto:Mike.Boyd@Aspect.com<] Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 11:22 AM To: 'mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com'; 'mgrothus@aol.com'; 'staction@aol.com'; 'mtollstr@arb.ca.gov'; 'wdeboisblanc@baaqmd.gov'; 'pmackin@caiso.com'; 'kena@calpine.com'; 'etewes@ch.morgan-hill.ca.gov'; 'Forrest.williams@ci.sj.ca.us'; 'janis.moore@ci.sj.ca.us'; 'kent.edens@ci.sj.ca.us'; 'pac@cpuc.ca.gov'; 'vfracaro@divco.com'; 'williams4064@earthlink.net'; 'pjfoehr@encinal.mhu.k12.ca.us'; 'tflynn@eob.ca.gov'; 'pburnett@garlic.com'; 'murphysmailbox@juno.com'; 'jeff.wade@lmco.com'; 'Mark.harrer@mirant.com'; 'rteeter@ncal.verio.com'; 'dr_j@pacbell.net'; 'rachael.gibson@pln.co.Scl.ca.us'; 'ljaimes@scvwd.dst.ca.us'; 'sascholz@southsanjose.com'; 'iajlouny@us.ibm.com'; 'tate@us.ibm.com'; 'jimcos42@worldnet.att.net' Cc: 'Lynch, Loretta'; 'Bilas, Richard A.'; 'Brown, Geoffrey F.'; 'Duque, Henry M.'; 'Wood, Carl W.'; 'Aguilar, Arocles'; 'Barnsdale, Andrew'; 'Clanon, Paul'; 'Cohen, Gary M.'; 'Dryvynsyde, Geoffrey'; 'Gamson, David M.'; 'Halligan, Julie'; 'Julian, Bill'; 'Krannawitter, Laura L.'; 'Long, Tom'; 'Minkin, Angela K.'; 'Serizawa, Linda'; 'Thompson, Thomas W.'; 'Watson, Ann'; 'Weissman, Steve'; 'saw0@pge.com'; 'Wong, John S.'; 'bkc7@pge.com'; 'mikeboyd7@home.com'; 'puma@davis.com'; 'gumbrelli@cs.com'; 'philmitchell@att.net'; 'Robert F. Williams'; 'Jeff Wade-'; 'Jeff Wade - home'; 'Donna Kehne'; 'Jim MacDonald'; 'Joe & Paula Hawkins'; 'Jack Regula'; 'marka'; 'drdalesmith@neworld.net'; 's275@hotmail.com'; 'benduble@jps.net'; 'gmay1@cctimes.com'; 'Nlevey@sjmercury.com'; 'feedback@southsanjose.com'; 'jwoolfolk@sjmercury.com'; 'mark.golden@dowjones.com'; 'jdavid2355@aol.com'; 'davidlaz@sfgate.com'; 'rmgordon@aol.com'; 'Letters@sjmercury.com'; 'anna.vasquez@reuters.com'; 'joeg@sfgate.com'; 'paulfenn@local.org'; 'sharron@ynn.com'; 'marcy.kohler@xilinx.com'; 'sascholz@southsanjose.com'; 'schnelson@earthlink.net'; 'tim_alton@ltx.com'; 'jeff.wade@lmco.com'; 'landis1@ibm.net'; 'iajlouny@us.ibm.com'; 'renee.gurza@ci.sj.ca.us'; 'mollie.dent@ci.sj.ca.us'; 'J72ERU@aol.com'; 'Alan Ramo'; 'rtdrury@cbecal.org'; 'ajnapolis@cbecal.org'; 'asimon@cbecal.org'; 'suma@cbecal.org'; 'marka@relaypoint.net'; 'philmitchell@worldnet.att.net'; 'sbroiles@ix.netcom.com'; 'svolker@volkerlaw.com'; 'HeleneL@ch.morgan-hill.ca.gov'; 'Bradley Angel'; 'alvarohuerta@yahoo.com'; 'aramo@ggu.edu'; 'asimon@cbecal.org'; 'bvhpadvocates@earthlink.net'; 'chretientodd@aol.com'; 'dcapjane@aol.com'; 'don@irrerevo.net'; 'done@greens.org'; 'henryc11@prodigy.net'; 'jibasmil@aol.com'; 'jmendoza@svtc.org'; 'jratner_rose@earthlink.net'; 'jreardon@igc.org'; 'jtorres@cbecal.org'; 'kev-@ocefoundation.org'; 'ladan@globalexchange.org'; 'marie@sfbayview.com'; 'medea@globalexchange.org'; 'mthomas@cbecal.org'; 'mzs@cpuc.ca.gov'; 'rossmon@juno.com'; 'wrostov@cbecal.org'; 'youthonfire@care2.com' Subject: MOTION SEEKING ORDER OR STAY CANCELING OR SUSPENDING CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES LONG-TERM ENERGY CONTRACTS AND ASSOCIATED I OU RATE SCHEDULES FOR LACK OF PROPER NOTICE UNDER THE FPA < MOTION SEEKING ORDER OR STAY CANCELING OR SUSPENDING CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT < OF WATER RESOURCES LONG-TERM ENERGY CONTRACTS AND ASSOCIATED IOU RATE < SCHEDULES FOR LACK OF PROPER NOTICE UNDER THE FPA < < Pursuant to Rules 212 of the Rules and Practices and Procedures of the < Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), 18 C.F.R. 385.212, < CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. ("CARE"), moves for the < Commission's consideration and action to remedy the illegal execution of < long-term energy contracts by the California Department of Water Resources < ("DWR") in regards to the CARE and other party's complaints in EL00-95 < et.al. Under section 205© of the Federal Power Act (49 Stat. 851; 16 < U.S.C. 824d©) the DWR long-term energy contracts recently disclosed < through legal action by the California legislature and press requires that < these contracts "shall be tendered for filing with the Commission and < posted not less than sixty days nor more than one hundred-twenty days < prior to the date on which the electric service is to commence." We < contend that DWR has failed to comply with the requirements of the FPA in < this matter. The remedy CARE seeks is for the Commission to issue an Order < or Stay canceling or suspending such long-term energy contracts and < associated IOU rate schedules (yet to be submitted to the Commission) < pursuant to FPA section 205 ©. < < DWR disputes its requirements to provide proper notice prior to execution < of said long-term contracts to all the parties to this case and to the < public who have in a statutory and constitutional right to comment on < expenditures of the public's funds in this manner by DWR. In response to < CARE's CPRA request DWR states the "Department's purchases and sales of < power are exempt from the Federal Power Act because DWR is a state agency. < Section 201(f). To the extent that the Department engages in purchases or < sales with counterparties who are subject to Federal Power Act < jurisdiction, any obligation to file with FERC or otherwise comply with < the Act lies with the counterparty to the contract, and not the < department." < < CARE contends that DWR is acting as an "designated representative" for the < Investor Owned Utilities ("IOUs") in the purchase of energy in California, < pursuant to 18 CFR 35.1 (a), without authorization by the Commission. < < "In cases where two or more public utilities are required to file < rate schedules or certificates of concurrence such public utilities may < authorize a designated representative to file upon behalf of all parties < if upon written request such parties have been granted Commission < authorization therefore." < < CARE contends these actions by DWR violated the requirements of 18 CFR < 35.1 (4)(e). < < "No public utility shall, directly or indirectly, demand, charge, < collect or receive any rate, charge or compensation for or in connection < with electric service subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, or < impose any classification, practice, rule, regulation or contract with < respect thereto, which is different from that provided in a rate schedule < required to be on file with this Commission unless otherwise specifically < provided by order of the Commission for good cause shown." < < CARE contends that ample evidence of DWR's acting as the California IOU's < "designated representative" is provided by DWR's request to the California < Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") for a Revised Revenue Requirement and < Power Purchase Costs Pursuant to Water Code Section 80110 and Public < Utilities Code Section 451 , which is further illustrated by the PUC's < Administrative law Judge's Ruling on the August 7, 2001 Revenue < Requirement of the DWR regarding the IOU S.D.G. & E. applications < 01-10-044, and 01-01-0045 to the PUC , which states: < < "SDG&E shall present alternative calculations of the required system < average rate increases that (1) collect the DWR-related rate increases < over the remaining 5 quarters of the revenue requirement period set forth < in Table A-6 (i.e., the fourth quarter of 2001 and the four quarters of < 2002), (2) collect the DWR-related rate increases over the next 8 quarters < (i.e., the fourth quarter of 2001, the four quarters of 2002, and the < first three quarters of 2003), and (3) collect the DWR-related rate < increases over the period from September 1, 2001 through December 31, < 2002." < < Clearly it is the intent of the DWR to act as the IOU's "designated < representative" to seek approval from the PUC "to collect the DWR-related < rate increases". < < CARE reiterates, it is the public policy that public agencies exist to aid < in the conduct of the people's business and that the proceedings of public < agencies be conducted openly so that the public may remain informed. It is < the intent of the law that actions of public agencies be taken openly and < that their deliberation be conducted openly. The people do not yield their < sovereignty to those agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating < authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is < good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The < people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over < the instruments they have created. DWR has breached its public duties by < failing to provide for myself, CARE, its members, and other members of the < public, our statutory and constitutional right to comment or protest these < long-term energy contracts executed by DWR, the associated expenditures of < the public's funds, and associated rate increases to California energy < consumers. < < In conclusion the Remedy CARE seeks is for the Commission to issue an < Order or Stay canceling or suspending such long-term energy contracts and < associated IOU rate schedules (yet to be submitted to the Commission) < pursuant to FPA section 205 ©, or under what ever statutory authority as < you deem appropriate. < < Respectfully submitted, < Michael E. Boyd President, CARE 8-28-01 (408) < 325-4690 < <<...OLE_Obj...<< <