Enron Mail

To:t..adams@enron.com, jeff.ader@enron.com, marc.andraca@enron.com,c..aucoin@enron.com, anthony.barnhart@enron.com, christopher.barnum@enron.com, greg.bechert@enron.com, katherine.benedict@enron.com, dennis.benevides@enron.com, mark.bernstein@enron.com
Subject:All Markets Lost/Closed Deals Report
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 06:42:43 -0800 (PST)

Attached for your review is the All Markets Lost/Closed Deals Report and Market Summaries.

Thank you,

Kathy Benedict

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Texas Market Summary

In the past 30 days, Texas closed 47 deals; average term of 37
months; average consumption 7,041 MWh/year; average contract price
This week, Texas closed 9 deals, representing 90,076 MWh/year;
Value at Offer equals $284,180; average contract price is $47.57/MWh
In the past 30 days, Texas lost 37 deals; average consumption
$156,812 MWh/year; average contract price quoted $38.48/MWh
This week, Texas lost 15 deals; average consumption of 122,458 MWh/year;
average contract price quoted $38.36/MWh
In the past week, curves are down approximately 3 1/2%.
Mid/Offer Spread is up in the last week by 6%. However, the Mid/Offer
spread tightened by 1 1/2% between Thursday and Friday.

New Jersey Market Summary

No mid-market deals lost or closed this week
1 CAD deal closed -- Value @ Offer $5,181 and 172 MWh/yr
2 mid-market deals lost in last 30 days representing 89,839 MWh/yr, average offer price $64.50
Curves have moved downward on average 1.2% since last week
Overnight curve movement is down .49%

New York Market Summary

Eight deals closed in the past month representing 18,813 MWh/yr
The average desk price for these deals was $82.88/MWhr and the average contract price was $94.62/MWhr
One deal closed in the past week representing 2,083 MWhr/yr
The desk price was $91.00/MWhr and the contract price was $96.00/MWhr.
Four deals have been lost in the past month representing 28,526 MWhrs.
The average desk price for these deals was $83.61/MWhr and the average contract price was $94.13/MWhr.
The third party agents have signed 6,765 deals with a V@O of $22,236,424.
CAD has signed 20 deals with a V@O of $162,477 but are no longer actively targeting New York customers.
The curve for the past week is flat but the mid offer spread has increased 3.5%. The spread was up 5% yesterday
and was moved back down 1.5% today.

Massachusetts Market Summary

In the past 30 days 8 deals have been closed; and 97* deals have been lost
Closed deals for the past 30 days represent 9452 MWh/year at an average price of $60.49
*Lost Deals for the past 30 days represent 754,600 MWh/year at an average price of $59.29/MWh. Most of the deals were lost to "Do Nothing" situations, in which the customers preferred to stay with the utility as rates are expected to go lower starting in January of 2001
Curves were stable until Thursday, at which point the mid - offer spread increased by 4%. On Friday mid - offer spread came down by 2%.

Illinois Market Summary

In the last 30 days, 1 deal has closed; term of 63 months, consumption (MWh/year) is 2,500, contract price of $51.45/MWh, signed up under a Fixed Price product
In the last 7 days, no deal was closed.
In the last 30 days, 48 deals were lost. The reasons were due to term, competition's better products, staying with the utility, not interested, usage too small and with supplier. The average MWh/Year was 9,651 MWh. Average term was 52 months.
There were 13 lost deals over the last 7 days. 5 deals are being passed to CAD because of usage, 2 have all off peak power, 3 are with a supplier, 1 has their own gas fired generator, 1 is on an interruptible that is lower than our rates and 1 is to be contacted next year because they are building a new printing facility. Average usage and term for these lost deals cannot be determined accurately due to lack of information from the prospective customers.
12 of these lost/dead deals were from the Mailing List from Peggy Mahoney.
Illinois curves have increased by $3.58/MWh or approximately 6% over the last 7 days.

Maryland Market Summary

Closed Deals this Month - 0
Closed Deals this Week - 0
Lost Deals this Month - 0
Lost Deals this Week - 0
Deal Pipeline - Deals priced this week: Anne Arundel Medical Center, Lafarge, Saks, Kaydon, W.R. Grace, Johns Hopkins Univ., Hill Management, Carr Lowrey, Novartis, Simkins
Retail Gen Price Change - BG&E pricing up 1.41% in past week
Product Development - Final Product Approval Template for Index product on hold pending resolution of billing and process issues