Enron Mail

Subject:Alliance Generator-Marketing Group - Conference Call (4:30 PM EST)
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 12:04:43 -0800 (PST)

Cc: connolly@llgm.com, nick.winser@us.ngrid.com, paul.halas@us.ngrid.com
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Bcc: connolly@llgm.com, nick.winser@us.ngrid.com, paul.halas@us.ngrid.com
X-To: dennis.flaherty@cinergy.com, harvey.reed@constellation.com, Mfgildea@dukeenergy.com, rfahey@edisonmission.com, Steffes, James D. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JSTEFFE<, Jim.mayhew@mirant.com, mina.turner@mirant.com, susann.felton@mirant.com, richard.doying@neg.pge.com, jcrowley@pwrteam.com, jorr@reliant.com
X-cc: Paul Connolly <CONNOLLY@LLGM.COM<, nick.winser@us.ngrid.com, paul.halas@us.ngrid.com
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During its October 24 meeting there was a great deal of discussion at the FERC about the role of transmission companies and the possibility that some activities should be parrcelled out to other entities to perform. National Grid intends, later this week, to file a white paper in response to those queries. Before doing so, however, Grid would welcome the opportuity to discuss its filing with you. We will try to circulate at least an outline of those comments prior to meeting with you, but given the FERC's time constraints we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. I know that Jim Steffes from Enron has spoken with at least some of you. Based on our converstion, we have set the conference for 4:30 PM EST on Wedensday, October 31.

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