Enron Mail

To:jeff.dasovich@enron.com, harry.kingerski@enron.com, alan.comnes@enron.com,steve.swain@enron.com, gordon.savage@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com
Subject:CDWR Solicits Written comments on Rev Req
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:18:03 -0700 (PDT)

DWR believes it is not a party to any proceeding at the CPUC on its rev req=
, but, apparently, is trying to move things along by allowing a bit of a pr=
ocess (although it appears to be self-adjudicating). It is seeking written=
comments by Oct 26 (lots of notice) on its latest revenue requirement and =
wants data requests submitted by COB today. I'm assuming that we don't wan=
t to participate. Let me know if any of you believe otherwise.
(415) 782-7802
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Douglass [mailto:douglass@energyattorney.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: Fw: A. 00-11-038 Data Requests Submitted to CDWR

FYI.....more DWR developments.

Law Offices of Daniel W. Douglass
5959 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Suite 244
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 596-2201
Fax: (818) 346-6502
douglass@energyattorney.com <mailto:douglass@energyattorney.com<
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Martina A. Hassett <mailto:martinahassett@mbvlaw.com<=20
To: (E-mail) <mailto:gbd@cpuc.ca.gov< ; (E-mail) <mailto:dmg@cpuc.ca.gov< ;=
(E-mail) <mailto:pac@cpuc.ca.gov< ; GARY B. ACKERMAN (E-mail) <mailto:foot=
hill@lmi.net< ; MICHAEL AGUIRRE (E-mail) <mailto:julesan@aol.com< ; MICHAEL=
ALCANTAR (E-mail) <mailto:mpa@a-klaw.com< ; CARRIE H. ALLEN (E-mail) <mail=
to:callen@akingump.com< ; DOUGLAS L. ANDERSON (E-mail) <mailto:doug.anderso=
n@calenergy.com< ; ROBERT E. ANDERSON (E-mail) <mailto:bob_anderson@apses.c=
om< ; FRANK ANNUNZIATO (E-mail) <mailto:ROTT1@aol.com< ; BARBARA R. BARKOVI=
CH (E-mail) <mailto:brbarkovich@earthlink.net< ; JOHN A. BARTHROP (E-mail) =
<mailto:jbarthrop@powersavers.com< ; JEAN PIERRE BATMALE (E-mail) <mailto:j=
pbatmale@realenergy.com< ; MICHAEL BAZELEY (E-mail) <mailto:mbazeley@sjmerc=
ury.com< ; TOM BEACH (E-mail) <mailto:tomb@crossborderenergy.com< ; JEANNE =
M. BENNETT (E-mail) <mailto:jbennett@gmssr.com< ; C. SUSIE BERLIN (E-mail) =
<mailto:sberlin@mccarthylaw.com< ; ROGER BERLINER (E-mail) <mailto:rogerber=
liner@bcjlaw.com< ; THOMAS M. BERLINER (E-mail) <mailto:tmberliner@duanemor=
ris.com< ; BILL BISHOP (E-mail) <mailto:bishop@jrwood.com< ; SCOTT BLAISING=
(E-mail) <mailto:blaising@braunlegal.com< ; JERRY BLOOM (E-mail) <mailto:b=
loomje@la.whitecase.com< ; GREGORY T. BLUE (E-mail) <mailto:gtbl@dynegy.com=
< ; WILLIAM H. BOOTH (E-mail) <mailto:wbooth@booth-law.com< ; BRUCE BOWEN (=
E-mail) <mailto:brb3@pge.com< ; JUSTIN D. BRADLEY (E-mail) <mailto:jbradley=
@svmg.org< ; MATTHEW V. BRADY (E-mail) <mailto:bradylaw@pacbell.net< ; PETE=
R BRAY (E-mail) <mailto:pbray@newpower.com< ; RANDY BRITT (E-mail) <mailto:=
randy_britt@mayco.com< ; DONALD BROOKHYSER (E-mail) <mailto:deb@a-klaw.com<=
; ANDREW B. BROWN (E-mail) <mailto:abb@eslawfirm.com< ; SUSAN E. BROWN (E-=
mail) <mailto:lifcentral@lif.org< ; A BRUBAKER (E-mail) <mailto:mbrubaker@c=
onsultbai.com< ; Truman L. Burns (E-mail) <mailto:txb@cpuc.ca.gov< ; JAMES =
BUSHEE (E-mail) <mailto:jbushee@sablaw.com< ; DAVID J. BYERS (E-mail) <mail=
to:btenney@landuselaw.com< ; ROBERT CAGEN (E-mail) <mailto:rcc@cpuc.ca.gov<=
; RODERICK A. CAMPBELL (E-mail) <mailto:rax@cpuc.ca.gov< ; DAN L. CARROLL =
(E-mail) <mailto:dcarroll@dbsr.com< ; Sean F. Casey (E-mail) <mailto:sfc@cp=
uc.ca.gov< ; ED CAZALET (E-mail) <mailto:ed@apx.com< ; JENNIFER CHAMBERLIN =
(E-mail) <mailto:jnnc@chevron.com< ; ANDREW CHAU (E-mail) <mailto:anchau@sh=
ellus.com< ; KRIS CHEH (E-mail) <mailto:kcheh@omm.com< ; RANDY CHINN (E-mai=
l) <mailto:randy.chinn@senate.ca.gov< ; HOWARD CHOY (E-mail) <mailto:hchoy@=
isd.co.la.ca.us< ; SUSANNAH CHURCHILL (E-mail) <mailto:swchurchill@juno.com=
< ; FRANK J. COOLEY (E-mail) <mailto:frank.cooley@sce.com< ; RICHARD H. COU=
NIHAN (E-mail) <mailto:rick.counihan@greenmountain.com< ; Christopher Danfo=
rth (E-mail) <mailto:ctd@cpuc.ca.gov< ; DOUGLAS E. DAVIE (E-mail) <mailto:d=
davie@hesinet.com< ; KAY DAVOODI (E-mail) <mailto:DavoodiKR@efaches.navfac.=
navy.mil< ; MICHAEL B. DAY (E-mail) <mailto:mday@gmssr.com< ; Joseph R. DeU=
lloa (E-mail) <mailto:jrd@cpuc.ca.gov< ; H. BRADLEY DONOVAN (E-mail) <mailt=
o:hbd@gweiss.com< ; DANIEL W. DOUGLASS (E-mail) <mailto:douglass@energyatto=
rney.com< ; KEVIN DUGGAN (E-mail) <mailto:kduggan@capstoneturbine.com< ; Pa=
mela Durgin (E-mail) <mailto:pmd@cpuc.ca.gov< ; WILLIAM H. EDWARDS (E-mail)=
<mailto:whe1@pge.com< ; DIANE FELLMAN (E-mail) <mailto:difellman@energy-la=
w-group.com< ; Robert T. Feraru (E-mail) <mailto:rtf@cpuc.ca.gov< ; CHRISTI=
NE FERRARI (E-mail) <mailto:christine_ferrari@ci.sf.ca.us< ; ROBERT FINKELS=
TEIN (E-mail) <mailto:bfinkelstein@turn.org< ; BRUCE FOSTER (E-mail) <mailt=
o:fosterbc@sce.com< ; BETH A. FOX (E-mail) <mailto:beth.fox@sce.com< ; PETE=
R FOX-PENNER PH. D. (E-mail) <mailto:peter_fox-penner@brattle.com< ; JANICE=
FRAZIER-HAMPTON (E-mail) <mailto:jyf1@pge.com< ; MATTHEW FREEDMAN (E-mail)=
<mailto:freedman@turn.org< ; Faline Fua (E-mail) <mailto:fua@cpuc.ca.gov< =
; NORMAN J. FURUTA (E-mail) <mailto:furutanj@efawest.navfac.navy.mil< ; BER=
NARDO R. GARCIA (E-mail) <mailto:uwuaregion5@earthlink.net< ; DENIS GEORGE =
(E-mail) <mailto:dgeorge@kroger.com< ; MELANIE GILLETTE (E-mail) <mailto:me=
lanie_gillette@rmiinc.com< ; JEFFREY H. GOLDFIEN (E-mail) <mailto:jhg@meyer=
snave.com< ; MARCO GOMEZ (E-mail) <mailto:mgomez1@bart.gov< ; STEVEN GREENB=
ERG (E-mail) <mailto:sgreenberg@realenergy.com< ; MORTEN HENRIK GREIDUNG (E=
-mail) <mailto:mhg@hetrading.com< ; JOSE E. GUZMAN JR. (E-mail) <mailto:jgu=
zman@nossaman.com< ; TIM HAINES (E-mail) <mailto:thaines@smud.org< ; Julie =
Halligan (E-mail) <mailto:jmh@cpuc.ca.gov< ; PETER HANSCHEN (E-mail) <mailt=
o:phanschen@mofo.com< ; JEFFREY D. HARRIS (E-mail) <mailto:jdh@eslawfirm.co=
m< ; PAUL A. HARRIS (E-mail) <mailto:paul.harris@bridge.com< ; Audra Hartma=
nn (E-mail) <mailto:ath@cpuc.ca.gov< ; LYNN M. HAUG (E-mail) <mailto:lmh@es=
lawfirm.com< ; JAMES E. HAY (E-mail) <mailto:jhay@sempra.com< ; RON HELGENS=
(E-mail) <mailto:rrh3@pge.com< ; GARY HERBERT (E-mail) <mailto:gerhordt.he=
rbert@msdw.com< ; CHRISTOPHER A. HILEN (E-mail) <mailto:chilen@llgm.com< ; =
JAMES HODGES (E-mail) <mailto:hodgesjl@pacbell.net< ; TERRY J. HOULIHAN (E-=
mail) <mailto:thoulihan@mdbe.com< ; LON W. HOUSE (E-mail) <mailto:lwhouse@e=
l-dorado.ca.us< ; LINDSEY HOW-DOWNING (E-mail) <mailto:lindseyhowdowning@dw=
t.com< ; THEODORE HUANG (E-mail) <mailto:theodore.huang@us.pwc.lobal.com< ;=
DAVID HUARD (E-mail) <mailto:dhuard@manatt.com< ; MARK R. HUFFMAN (E-mail)=
<mailto:mrh2@pge.com< ; SUSAN A. HUSE (E-mail) <mailto:huse@eesconsulting.=
com< ; ITZEL IBERRIO (E-mail) <mailto:iberrio@greenlining.org< ; WENDY ILLI=
NGWORTH (E-mail) <mailto:wendy@econinsights.com< ; JONATHAN JACOBS (E-mail)=
<mailto:jon.jacobs@paconsulting.com< ; MICHAEL JASKE (E-mail) <mailto:mjas=
ke@energy.state.ca.us< ; MARC D. JOSEPH (E-mail) <mailto:mdjoseph@adamsbroa=
dwell.com< ; EVELYN KAHL (E-mail) <mailto:ek@a-klaw.com< ; Kayode Kajopaiye=
(E-mail) <mailto:kok@cpuc.ca.gov< ; RANDALL W. KEEN (E-mail) <mailto:rkeen=
@manatt.com< ; CAROLYN KEHREIN (E-mail) <mailto:cmkehrein@ems-ca.com< ; DOU=
GLAS K. KERNER (E-mail) <mailto:dkk@eslawfirm.com< ; Dexter E. Khoury (E-ma=
il) <mailto:bsl@cpuc.ca.gov< ; KATHLEEN KIERNAN-HARRINGTON (E-mail) <mailto=
:harrington@ggra.org< ; CHRIS KING (E-mail) <mailto:ckingaei@yahoo.com< ; R=
obert Kinosian (E-mail) <mailto:gig@cpuc.ca.gov< ; NIELS KJELLUND (E-mail) =
<mailto:NXK2@pge.com< ; RON KNECHT (E-mail) <mailto:ronknecht@aol.com< ; TH=
OMAS S. KNOX (E-mail) <mailto:tknox@klalawfirm.com< ; Laura L. Krannawitter=
(E-mail) <mailto:llk@cpuc.ca.gov< ; Donald J. Lafrenz (E-mail) <mailto:dlf=
@cpuc.ca.gov< ; GERALD LAHR (E-mail) <mailto:jerryl@abag.ca.gov< ; STEPHEN =
LAYMAN (E-mail) <mailto:Slayman@energy.state.ca.us< ; JOHN W. LESLIE (E-mai=
l) <mailto:jleslie@luce.com< ; RONALD LIEBERT (E-mail) <mailto:rliebert@cfb=
f.com< ; KAREN LINDH (E-mail) <mailto:karen@klindh.com< ; Steve Linsey (E-m=
ail) <mailto:car@cpuc.ca.gov< ; Kimberly Lippi (E-mail) <mailto:kjl@cpuc.ca=
.gov< ; Jeanette Lo (E-mail) <mailto:jlo@cpuc.ca.gov< ; ED LUCHA (E-mail) <=
mailto:ell5@pge.com< ; ALEXANDRE B. MAKLER (E-mail) <mailto:alexm@calpine.c=
om< ; Kim Malcolm (E-mail) <mailto:kim@cpuc.ca.gov< ; JOSEPH M. MALKIN (E-m=
ail) <mailto:jmalkin@orrick.com< ; DAVID MARCUS (E-mail) <mailto:dmarcus@sl=
ip.net< ; WILLIAM B. MARCUS (E-mail) <mailto:bill@jbsenergy.com< ; MARTIN M=
ATTES (E-mail) <mailto:mmattes@nossaman.com< ; MIRIAM MAXIAN (E-mail) <mail=
to:maxian_miriam@jpmorgan.com< ; CHRISTOPHER J. MAYER (E-mail) <mailto:chri=
sm@mid.org< ; BILL MC CALLUM (E-mail) <mailto:bill.mccallum@ci.fresno.ca.us=
< ; KEITH MC CREA (E-mail) <mailto:kmccrea@sablaw.com< ; RICHARD MCCANN PH.=
D (E-mail) <mailto:rmccann@cal.net< ; PATRICK MCDONNELL (E-mail) <mailto:a=
glandenergy@earthlink.net< ; PATRICK MCGUIRE (E-mail) <mailto:patrickm@cros=
sborderenergy.com< ; KEVIN R. MCSPADDEN (E-mail) <mailto:kmcspadd@milbank.c=
om< ; KEITH W. MELVILLE (E-mail) <mailto:kmelville@sempra.com< ; KAREN NORE=
NE MILLS (E-mail) <mailto:kmills@cfbf.com< ; ANGELA MINKIN (E-mail) <mailto=
:a0011038@cpuc.ca.gov< ; EVE MITCHELL (E-mail) <mailto:emitchel@angnewspape=
rs.com< ; ROBERT MIYASHIRO (E-mail) <mailto:firmiyas@dof.ca.gov< ; JANIE MO=
LLON (E-mail) <mailto:jsmollon@newwestenergy.com< ; FRED WESLEY MONIER (E-m=
ail) <mailto:fwmonier@tid.org< ; HENRY MOORE (E-mail) <mailto:hwmoore@pcit.=
com< ; STEVEN MOSS (E-mail) <mailto:smoss@hooked.net< ; THERESA MUELLER (E-=
mail) <mailto:theresa_mueller@ci.sf.ca.us< ; PHILLIP J. MULLER (E-mail) <ma=
ilto:pjmuller@ricochet.net< ; SARA STECK MYERS (E-mail) <mailto:ssmyers@wor=
ldnet.att.net< ; MARGERY NEIS (E-mail) <mailto:margery.a.neis@us.pwcglobal.=
com< ; MICHAEL W. NEVILLE (E-mail) <mailto:michael.neville@doj.ca.gov< ; JI=
M O'BRIEN (E-mail) <mailto:dwrlegal1@water.ca.gov< ; JOELLE OGG (E-mail) <m=
ailto:jogg@jhenergy.com< ; EDWARD W. O'NEILL (E-mail) <mailto:edwardoneill@=
dwt.com< ; TOM O'NEILL (E-mail) <mailto:tom.oneill@abnamro.com< ; ARLIN ORC=
HARD (E-mail) <mailto:aorchar@smud.org< ; FREDERICK ORTLIEB (E-mail) <mailt=
o:fmo@sdcity.sannet.gov< ; CARL K. OSHIRO (E-mail) <mailto:oshirock@pacbell=
.net< ; PETER OUBORG (E-mail) <mailto:pxo2@pge.com< ; JAMES C. PAINE (E-mai=
l) <mailto:jcpaine@stoel.com< ; JEFFREY M. PARROTT (E-mail) <mailto:jparrot=
t@sempra.com< ; MONA PATEL (E-mail) <mailto:mpatel@brownwoodlaw.com< ; JOSE=
PH M. PAUL (E-mail) <mailto:joe.paul@dynegy.com< ; COLIN L. PEARCE (E-mail)=
<mailto:clpearce@duanemorris.com< ; DAN PEASE (E-mail) <mailto:drp6@pge.co=
m< ; JUDY PECK (E-mail) <mailto:jpeck@sempra.com< ; NORMAN A. PEDERSEN (E-m=
ail) <mailto:napedersen@jonesday.com< ; ROBERT PERNELL (E-mail) <mailto:rpe=
rnell@energy.state.ca.us< ; GEORGE A. PERRAULT (E-mail) <mailto:georgeperra=
ult@msn.com< ; ROGER J. PETERS (E-mail) <mailto:RJP2@pge.com< ; CARRIE PEYT=
ON (E-mail) <mailto:cpeyton@sacbee.com< ; ROXANNE PICCILLO (E-mail) <mailto=
:rtp1@pge.com< ; STEPHEN E. PICKETT (E-mail) <mailto:picketse@sce.com< ; DE=
RK PIPPIN (E-mail) <mailto:derkp@newsdata.com< ; EDWARD G. POOLE (E-mail) <=
mailto:epoole@adplaw.com< ; EDWARD G. POOLE (E-mail) <mailto:epoole@adplaw.=
com< ; KATHERINE S. POOLE (E-mail) <mailto:kpoole@adamsbroadwell.com< ; PAT=
RICK J. POWER (E-mail) <mailto:pjpowerlaw@aol.com< ; BILL POWERS (E-mail) <=
mailto:bpowers@seniors.org< ; Anne W. Premo (E-mail) <mailto:awp@cpuc.ca.go=
v< ; DIANE E. PRITCHARD (E-mail) <mailto:dpritchard@mofo.com< ; Thomas R. P=
ulsifer (E-mail) <mailto:trp@cpuc.ca.gov< ; CHARLES C. READ (E-mail) <mailt=
o:cread@steptoe.com< ; CHRISTOPHER W. REARDON (E-mail) <mailto:cwrmccv@worl=
dnet.att.net< ; G. DARRYL REED (E-mail) <mailto:gdreed@sidley.com< ; Michae=
l Reidenbach (E-mail) <mailto:JMRb@pge.com< ; DANIEL L. RIAL (E-mail) <mail=
to:riald@kindermorgan.com< ; THEODORE ROBERTS (E-mail) <mailto:troberts@sem=
pra.com< ; RICHARD ROOS-COLLINS (E-mail) <mailto:rrcollins@n-h-i.org< ; Ste=
ve Roscow (E-mail) <mailto:scr@cpuc.ca.gov< ; JAMES ROSS (E-mail) <mailto:j=
imross@r-c-s-inc.com< ; Steven C Ross (E-mail) <mailto:sro@cpuc.ca.gov< ; N=
ANCY RYAN (E-mail) <mailto:nryan@environmentaldefense.org< ; KEITH SAPPENFI=
ELD (E-mail) <mailto:keith-sappenfield@reliantenergy.com< ; J. A. SAVAGE (E=
-mail) <mailto:honest@compuserve.com< ; ROBERT D. SCHASEL (E-mail) <mailto:=
robert.d.schasel@fritolay.com< ; JEFFREY D. SCHLICHTING (E-mail) <mailto:je=
ff@hmhresources.com< ; REED V. SCHMIDT (E-mail) <mailto:rschmidt@bartlewell=
s.com< ; DON SCHOENBECK (E-mail) <mailto:dws@keywaycorp.com< ; MONICA SCHWE=
BS (E-mail) <mailto:mschwebs@energy.state.ca.us< ; Linda Serizawa (E-mail) =
<mailto:lss@cpuc.ca.gov< ; MICHAEL SHAMES (E-mail) <mailto:mshames@ucan.org=
< ; JAMES P. SHOTWELL (E-mail) <mailto:j.p.shotwell@sce.com< ; ANDREW J. SK=
AFF (E-mail) <mailto:askaff@energy-law-group.com< ; JUNE M. SKILLMAN (E-mai=
l) <mailto:jskillman@prodigy.net< ; GAIL L. SLOCUM (E-mail) <mailto:glsg@pg=
e.com< ; TOM SMEGAL (E-mail) <mailto:tsmegal@calwater.com< ; RALPH SMITH (E=
-mail) <mailto:ad046@detroit.freenet.org< ; JAN SMUTNY-JONES (E-mail) <mail=
to:smutny@iepa.com< ; JAMES D. SQUERI (E-mail) <mailto:jsqueri@gmssr.com< ;=
SCOTT T. STEFFEN (E-mail) <mailto:scottst@mid.org< ; Maria E. Stevens (E-m=
ail) <mailto:mer@cpuc.ca.gov< ; JENNIFER TACHERA (E-mail) <mailto:jtachera@=
energy.state.ca.us< ; Zenaida G. Tapawan-Conway (E-mail) <mailto:ztc@cpuc.c=
a.gov< ; RUBEN TAVARES (E-mail) <mailto:rtavares@energy.state.ca.us< ; AARO=
N THOMAS (E-mail) <mailto:athomas@newenergy.com< ; KELLY R. TILTON (E-mail)=
<mailto:ktilton@gralegal.com< ; TREG TREMONT (E-mail) <mailto:tregtremont@=
dwt.com< ; NICOLE A. TUTT (E-mail) <mailto:natutt@duanemorris.com< ; LISA G=
. URICK (E-mail) <mailto:lgurick@calpx.com< ; LYNN G. VAN WAGENEN (E-mail) =
<mailto:LVanWagenen@sempra.com< ; Maria Vanko (E-mail) <mailto:mv1@cpuc.ca.=
gov< ; Christine M. Walwyn (E-mail) <mailto:cmw@cpuc.ca.gov< ; JAMES WEIL (=
E-mail) <mailto:jweil@aglet.org< ; LULU WEINZIMER (E-mail) <mailto:luluw@ne=
wsdata.com< ; ROBERT B. WEISENMILLER (E-mail) <mailto:rbw@mrwassoc.com< ; J=
ONATHAN M. WEISGALL (E-mail) <mailto:jweisgall@aol.com< ; BILL C. WELLS (E-=
mail) <mailto:bill.wells@tyndall.af.mil< ; Rosalina White (E-mail) <mailto:=
raw@cpuc.ca.gov< ; PATRICIA R. WILLIAMS (E-mail) <mailto:pat.williams@dhcma=
il.com< ; John S. Wong (E-mail) <mailto:jsw@cpuc.ca.gov< ; ED YATES (E-mail=
) <mailto:ed@clfp.com< ; Helen W. Yee (E-mail) <mailto:yee@cpuc.ca.gov< ; J=
OSEPH A. YOUNG (E-mail) <mailto:joeyoung@ebmud.com< ; JUDY YOUNG (E-mail) <=
mailto:jlyoung@sempra.com< ; CANDACE A. YOUNGER (E-mail) <mailto:cyounger@m=
anatt.com< ; Jason J. Zeller (E-mail) <mailto:jjz@cpuc.ca.gov<=20
Cc: 'pac@cpuc.ca.gov' <mailto:'pac@cpuc.ca.gov'< ; 'scr@cpuc.ca.gov' <mailt=
o:'scr@cpuc.ca.gov'< ; 'trp@cpuc.ca.gov' <mailto:'trp@cpuc.ca.gov'<=20
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 2:51 PM
Subject: FW: A. 00-11-038 Data Requests Submitted to CDWR

Dear parties to A. 00-11-038:

As many parties are aware, on October 19, 2001, the California Department o=
f Water Resources ("CDWR") released a draft updated revenue requirement to =
the public. On October 21, 2001, CDWR held a public workshop in Sacramento =
to provide an overview of the draft updated revenue requirement and answer =
questions from the public. In addition, on October 23, 2001, CDWR and its c=
onsultants held a telephone conference call to discuss the model supporting=
the updated draft revenue requirement with those parties that have execute=
d a nondisclosure agreement with CDWR and Navigant Consulting, Inc. ("NDA")=
. CDWR is accepting written comments on its October 19, 2001 draft updated =
revenue requirement on or before October 26, 2001 and intends to submit an =
updated revenue requirement to the California Public Utilities Commission (=
"CPUC") on or about November 2, 2001. Written comments may be submitted ele=
ctronically to CDWR to the attention of the following persons:

Ron Nichols (Navigant Consulting, Inc) at rnichols@navigantconsulting.com <=

Peter Garris (Acting Deputy Director, CDWR) at cperciva@water.ca.gov <mailt=

In the context of the ongoing revenue requirement allocation proceeding at =
the CPUC, parties to A.00-11-038 et al. have previously submitted written d=
ata requests to CDWR in response to CDWR's August 7th revenue requirement s=
ubmission to the CPUC. Responses to these data requests would not have bee=
n helpful to the parties because CDWR was preparing an updated revenue requ=
irement. CDWR believed it would be more productive for all parties for CDW=
R to address questions concerning the updated revenue requirement rather th=
an respond to questions pertaining to the prior filing. Further, CDWR has =
not intervened as an active party in the CPUC proceeding and is not under a=
n obligation to respond to parties' data requests. Notwithstanding this fac=
t and in order to facilitate the prompt resolution of the CPUC revenue requ=
irement allocation proceeding, CDWR intends to provide written responses to=
parties' data requests on or before November 1, 2001. CDWR will provide it=
s responses to data requests to the entire service list for A.00-11-038, wi=
th the exception that NCI Confidential Information will only be disclosed t=
o those parties that have executed an NDA. CDWR does not intend to provide =
responses to data requests relating to the August 7th revenue requirement a=
s that submission will be superceded by an updated revenue requirement. CDW=
R requests that parties to A.00-11-038 submit any further written data requ=
ests concerning the October 19th draft updated revenue requirement by close=
of business today. Resource constraints will prevent CDWR from responding=
to further data requests, which are not received by CDWR by close of busin=
ess today.

Please telephone me with any questions.

Andrew Ulmer
855 Front Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone (415) 781-4400
Fax: (415) 989-5143
email: andrew@mbvlaw.com <mailto:andrew@mbvlaw.com<



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