Enron Mail

Subject:CLE information in Austin
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 07:41:26 -0700 (PDT)

Here is a link to the information on the CLE in Austin.
Dates: November 13-15
Cost: $1125.00
CLEs 18 hours

Introduction to Electric Power Systems for Legal and Regulatory Professionals
November 13-15, 2001
CEUs: 1.9
Course Number: EN02040
REGISTER NOW! <../../register/index.cfm?course_num=288&course_type=short<
Course Description:
Course Objective

Participants who attend this course will be able to understand more fully the technical issues in operation and planning of electric power systems, particularly relating to deregulation, open access, and competition. The emphasis in this course will be placed on providing a working understanding of electric power to legal and regulatory professionals, without requiring a technical or math background. Participants will more fully understand the results of software tools such as power flow and will use power flow software to analyze example systems.
The course will consist of approximately 17 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory. The educational materials used in this course will consist of copies of PowerPoint presentations reproduced and bound in a three-ring binder.
Program Faculty
Ross Baldick is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. From 1991-1992 he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory researching technical and policy issues in electric transmission. His fields of specialization include power systems operations planning and electric transmission policy and economics.
Tenative Course Outline
9:00 AM Welcome and introduction 9:30 Definitions 10:15 Break 10:30 Similarities and differences between electric power and other industries 12:00 PM Demonstration 12:15 Lunch 1:15 Components of an electric power system: capital and operating costs, specifications 2:45 Break 3:00 Components of an electric power system, continued 4:45 Tour of The University of Texas combined-cycle power plant
9:00 AM Electric transmission and power flow 10:30 Break 10:45 Electric transmission and power flow, continued 12:30 PM Lunch 1:30 Laboratory on power flow 3:00 Break 3:15 Power system operations and capital planning: regulated versus deregulated 5:30 Adjourn
8:00 AM Power system operations and capital planning, continued 10:00 Break and demonstration on cancellations of flows 10:15 Transmission access wheeling 12:15 PM Lunch 1:15 Ancillary Services 2:00 Laboratory on power flow 3:00 Adjourn
MCLE Activity This course has been accredited by the State Bar of Texas for 18 participatory hours of MCLE activity.
Enrollment Information Enrollment will be limited. Early enrollment is urged to ensure a place in the course.
Tuition: The fee of $1125 covers all educational materials, laboratory services, and refreshments.
Discount: Employees of state and federal regulatory agencies can attend at the reduced fee of $845.
Cancellation Policy A refund may be obtained if notification is received on or before October 29, 2001. Refunds will not be given for cancellations received after this date. There will be a $100 processing fee for all cancellations or transfers. Substitutions may be made anytime prior to the first day of class. The CLEE programs are subject to cancellation if too few people enroll, in which case a full refund will be given.
Location: Classes will be held at the Joe C. Thompson Conference Center on The University of Texas at Austin campus.
Weather: For Austin weather updates go to www.kvue.com. Informal attire is appropriate in the classroom.
Attendee $1,125.00
State or Federal Regulatory Employees $845.00
For questions please contact:
Cynthia Kabat
Program Manager
ckabat@mail.utexas.edu <mailto:ckabat@mail.utexas.edu<
(512) 232-5158