Enron Mail

To:michael.roan@enron.com, kerry.stroup@enron.com, luiz.maurer@enron.com,d..steffes@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com
Subject:FW: MISO Filing ER02-290-000
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 05:41:42 -0800 (PST)

I will work on an Enron protest of this MISO filing, if necessary, for this issue (question of how "source and sink" would affect reservations and hinder EES in reserving network (similar to Dynegy v. ComEd arguments).

-----Original Message-----
From: steven.naumann@exeloncorp.com
Sent: Mon 11/19/2001 9:02 PM
To: Nicolay, Christi L.
Subject: MISO Filing ER02-290-000


I have read the MISO filing and have the same concerns you have with respect
to the granularity of the source. I have passed the filing onto others in
Exelon and should know in a few days whether we will intervene (it looks
like we have until Nov. 29).


Steven T. Naumann
Transmission Services Vice President
Phone: 312.394.2807
FAX: 312.394.2881
Pager: 312.689.2079 <-- New Pager Number
E-Mail: steven.naumann@exeloncorp.com <<mailto:steven.t.naumann@ucm.com<<

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