Enron Mail

Subject:Our New Governor, Our Next Governor, Protecting Against Terrorism,
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 10:59:16 -0700 (PDT)

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This week on Pennsylvania Newsmakers, State Senator Jeff Piccola and State Rep. Bill DeWeese talk about the Schweiker administration, speculate about the next governor and discuss PA's response to terrorism. Also, a representative of the Pennsylvania Builders Association talks about how current water tapping fees threaten the vigor of this important sector of the state's economy.

Broadcast this week on the following stations:
? WGAL Channel 8 (Harrisburg and Lancaster) - Sunday 11am, Oct. 28th
? WFMZ 69 (Allentown & Philadelphia) - Monday 11pm, Oct. 29th
? WBGN (Pittsburgh) - Sat 3:00 pm, Oct. 27th
? WKBS 47 (Altoona) - Thurs 11pm, Friday 5:30pm and Sat 12:30pm, Nov 1st, 2nd and 3rd

On cable:
? Blue Ridge Communications Cable TV 13 - Sunday 3:30 pm, Oct 28th
CATV Channel 8 - Tues 7pm and Wed 1pm, Oct 30th and 31st

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Jerry Bowyer
Pennsylvania Newsmakersseen across the state on these television stations: www.jerrybowyer.com/coveragemap.php
The Jerry Bowyer Programon WPTT radio in Pittsburgh, 1360am: www.1360wptt.com/bowyer
Focus on the Issueson Cornerstone Television
Audio clips from these programs can be heard at www.jerrybowyer.com/audio.php
412.771.2282 phone
412.771.2363 faxjerrybowyer@home.com