Enron Mail

To:donna.greif@enron.com, suzanne.calcagno@enron.com
Subject:RE: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
Cc:robert.superty@enron.com, l..driscoll-ernest@enron.com, paul.tate@enron.com,barry.vanderhorst@enron.com, jim.wiltfong@enron.com, colleen.sullivan@enron.com, don.black@enron.com, hayden.bray@enron.com, steve.montovano@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com,
Bcc:robert.superty@enron.com, l..driscoll-ernest@enron.com, paul.tate@enron.com,barry.vanderhorst@enron.com, jim.wiltfong@enron.com, colleen.sullivan@enron.com, don.black@enron.com, hayden.bray@enron.com, steve.montovano@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com,
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 08:01:39 -0700 (PDT)

FYI, Pennsylvania LDC issues with the PUC are handled through Steve Montovano's group, but I don't know which of his people has primary responsibility.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greif, Donna
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 8:24 PM
To: Calcagno, Suzanne
Cc: Superty, Robert; Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.
Subject: FW: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001


-----Original Message-----
From: Migden, Janine
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 8:37 AM
To: Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.
Cc: Greif, Donna; Tate, Paul; Vanderhorst, Barry; Wiltfong, Jim;
Sullivan, Colleen; Superty, Robert; Black, Don; Bray, Hayden
Subject: RE: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001


Pennsylvaina is not part of my region. I have forwarded this on to see if I can get you the info you need.


-----Original Message-----
From: Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:52 PM
To: Migden, Janine
Cc: Greif, Donna; Tate, Paul; Vanderhorst, Barry; Wiltfong, Jim;
Sullivan, Colleen; Superty, Robert; Black, Don; Bray, Hayden
Subject: FW: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
Importance: High

Janine: Was anyone in regulatory involved with this? We found out this was coming last week at the CPA Shipper meeting. This is going to cause a curve shift which could have been minimized had we known it was coming. Thanks! mde

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Rhonda
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:26 PM
To: Bray, Hayden
Cc: Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.; Vanderhorst, Barry
Subject: FW: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001


Please make sure you are on Shirley's mailing list, I didn't see your name listed.


-----Original Message-----
From: sbardes@nisource.com [mailto:sbardes@nisource.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:09 PM
To: dcarroll@knowledgeinenergy.com; balexander@hess.com;
schang@hess.com; tcochran@ashland.com; jbrown@cmsenergy.com;
dgordon@nge.com; mnguyen@nge.com; rsmith5@enron.com; LCrider@EQT.com;
jkborrell@firstenergycorp.com; bmerlin@wpsenergy.com;
runger@gasmark.com; kmagyar@msmisp.com; lsmorris@mmenergy.com;
wwesmill@manrenergy.com; lpohlman@nfrinc.com; mdubyoski@pepcoenergy.com;
jpwright@pplweb.com; rileynatgas@bridgeport.net;
rileynatgas@bridgeport.net; hanksma@selectenergy.com;
amartin@sempra-slns.com; rastor@shipleyenergy.com;
sburrus@spragueenergy.com; TPWithka@spragueenergy.com;
tphillips@tigernaturalgas.com; cpowers@txu.com
Subject: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001

The following notice was posted on the Nominations Electronic Bulletin
Board today:

On October 12, 2001 the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission approved
Columbia's tariff filing to become effective on October 22, 2001, subject
to an Administrative Law Judge Recommendation. This tariff filing includes
several changes that may be important to suppliers, such as changes in
Columbia's banking and balancing service, introduction of a new Flow Order
Management Service, and a new Imbalance Trading Service.

The full text of Columbia's original tariff proposals, as filed with the PA
Public Utility Commission on August 22, 2001, can be accessed at the
following site:


Shippers serving aggregation pools on the Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania,
Inc. system should carefully review Columbia's new Elective Balancing
Service (proposed tariff pages 164 - 169) and choose one of the three
balancing service options for each aggregation pool. Also, suppliers who
have been designated as an authorized agent for non-aggregated customers
may choose an elective balancing option on behalf of those customers.
Columbia's current estimated rate for Option 1, Full Balancing Service, is
as follows:

SGS, SDS Customers $0.20/Mcf
LDS, MLS Customers $0.10/Mcf

Please note that Columbia's interruptible banking and balancing service
will no longer be available. The cost for the interruptible service
($0.1109/Mcf for SGS and SDS, and $0.0358 for LDS and MLS) will be removed
from customers' distribution rates when the new Elective Balancing Services
become effective.

Under the newly approved Elective Balancing Service (Rider EBS), customers
or their authorized agents are given 20 days in which to elect their
service option. Customers or their authorized agents who do not elect one
of the three Elective Balancing Service options on or before November 12,
2001 will default to Option 1, Full Balancing Service. Columbia will post
final rates for Rider EBS Option 1 by the close of business on November 15,
2001. If the final rates exceed the above estimated rates by more than
20%, customers or their authorized agents who have elected Option 1 may
change their election by submitting a change to Columbia in writing by the
close of business on November 20, 2001. Columbia will begin providing
service under the elected option as of December 1, 2001.

A form for the election of Rider EBS options will be e-mailed to the
"notices" contact person for each supplier that is active on the Columbia
Gas of Pennsylvania systemwhen it is available.

Please contact your Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. representative at
412-572-7117 with any questions relating to these new services.

Attached are the forms and a brief outline of the changes.

(See attached file: EBS & FOMS forms.doc)