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In response to Bill Booth's request, AReM will NOT file.
-----Original Message----- From: Dan Douglass [mailto:douglass@energyattorney.com] Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:47 PM To: ARM Subject: Fw: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) See Booth's response below. They prefer to keep it a "customer pleading." So, do we want to file our own motion, or rely on the CLECA et al. motion and be prepared to cross-examine TURN should the CLECA motion not prevail? This is a judgment call, and my thought is that the latter course is appropriate. I don't believe an additional "me too" motion would add to the likelihood of success and would be an expenditure AReM doesn't need when we have so many other things going on. Question: would any of our SF members be able to attend to find out if the motion is granted? Dan Law Offices of Daniel W. Douglass 5959 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Suite 244 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Tel: (818) 596-2201 Fax: (818) 346-6502 douglass@energyattorney.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "William Booth" <wbooth@booth-law.COM< To: "'Dan Douglass'" <douglass@energyattorney.com< Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 3:21 PM Subject: RE: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) < Dan -- If you don't mind, we would prefer to keep it a customer pleading. < Thanks for the support. Bill < < -----Original Message----- < From: Dan Douglass [mailto:douglass@energyattorney.com] < Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:40 PM < To: William Booth < Subject: Re: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) < Importance: High < < < Bill, great job on the motion....how would the parties feel about having < AReM join as another named party? < < Dan < < Law Offices of Daniel W. Douglass < 5959 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Suite 244 < Woodland Hills, CA 91367 < Tel: (818) 596-2201 < Fax: (818) 346-6502 < douglass@energyattorney.com < ----- Original Message ----- < From: "William Booth" <wbooth@booth-law.COM< < To: "'Dan Douglass'" <douglass@energyattorney.com< < Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:35 AM < Subject: RE: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) < < < < Dan -- Yes, he did. We have until Tuesday to file motions to dismiss. < < Attached is a preliminary draft of ours. Bill < < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: Dan Douglass [mailto:douglass@energyattorney.com] < < Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 12:32 PM < < To: William Booth < < Subject: Re: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) < < < < < < Bill, I just looked at the ruling of 11/6 and it said motions to strike < were < < due on the 9th. Did the ALJ extend that at the PHC on Friday? Thanks. < < < < Dan < < < < Law Offices of Daniel W. Douglass < < 5959 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Suite 244 < < Woodland Hills, CA 91367 < < Tel: (818) 596-2201 < < Fax: (818) 346-6502 < < douglass@energyattorney.com < < ----- Original Message ----- < < From: "William Booth" <wbooth@booth-law.COM< < < To: "'Pulmano, Erlinda'" <eap@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <DavoodiKR@efaches.navfac.navy.mil<; <FurutaNJ@efawest.navfac.navy.mil<; < < <LVanWagenen@sempra.com<; <NXK2@pge.com<; <RJP2@pge.com<; <ROTT1@aol.com<; < < <Slayman@energy.state.ca.us<; <a0011038@cpuc.ca.gov<; <abb@eslawfirm.com<; < < <ad046@detroit.freenet.org<; <aglandenergy@earthlink.net<; < < <alexm@calpine.com<; "Chan, Amy W." <amy@cpuc.ca.gov<; < <anchau@shellus.com<; < < <andrew@mbvlaw.com<; <aorchar@smud.org<; <askaff@energy-law-group.com<; < < "Hartmann, Audra" <ath@cpuc.ca.gov<; <athomas@newenergy.com<; "Premo, Anne < < W." <awp@cpuc.ca.gov<; "Yip-Kikugawa, Amy" <ayk@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <beth.fox@sce.com<; <bfinkelstein@turn.org<; < < <bill.mccallum@ci.fresno.ca.us<; <bill.wells@tyndall.af.mil<; < < <bill@jbsenergy.com<; <billw@calpine.com<; <bishop@jrwood.com<; < < <blaising@braunlegal.com<; <bloomje@la.whitecase.com<; < < <bob_anderson@apses.com<; <bradylaw@pacbell.net<; <brb3@pge.com<; < < <brbarkovich@earthlink.net<; "Khoury, Dexter" <bsl@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <btenney@landuselaw.com<; <butzjh@apci.com<; "Linsey, Steve" < < <car@cpuc.ca.gov<; <cfm3@pge.com<; <chilen@llgm.com<; <chrism@mid.org<; < < <christine_ferrari@ci.sf.ca.us<; <ckingaei@yahoo.com<; < < <clpearce@duanemorris.com<; <cmkehrein@ems-ca.com<; "Walwyn, Christine M." < < <cmw@cpuc.ca.gov<; <cpeyton@sacbee.com<; <cread@steptoe.com<; "Danforth, < < Christopher" <ctd@cpuc.ca.gov<; <cwrmccv@worldnet.att.net<; < < <cyounger@manatt.com<; <dcarroll@dbsr.com<; <ddavie@hesinet.com<; < < <deb@a-klaw.com<; <derkp@newsdata.com<; <dgeorge@kroger.com<; < < <dhuard@manatt.com<; <difellman@energy-law-group.com<; < <dkk@eslawfirm.com<; < < "Lafrenz, Donald J." <dlf@cpuc.ca.gov<; <dmarcus@slip.net<; < < <doug.anderson@calenergy.com<; <douglass@energyattorney.com<; < < <dpritchard@mofo.com<; <drp6@pge.com<; <dws@keywaycorp.com<; <ed@apx.com<; < < <ed@clfp.com<; <edwardoneill@dwt.com<; <ek@a-klaw.com<; <ell5@pge.com<; < < <emitchel@angnewspapers.com<; <epoole@adplaw.com<; <firmiyas@dof.ca.gov<; < < <fmo@sdcity.sannet.gov<; <foothill@lmi.net<; <fosterbc@sce.com<; < < <frank.cooley@sce.com<; <freedman@turn.org<; <fspillman@akingump.com<; < "Fua, < < Faline" <fua@cpuc.ca.gov<; <fwmonier@tid.org<; <gdreed@sidley.com<; < < <gerhordt.herbert@msdw.com<; "Kinosian, Robert" <gig@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <glsg@pge.com<; <gtbl@dynegy.com<; <harrington@ggra.org<; < <hbd@gweiss.com<; < < <hchoy@isd.co.la.ca.us<; <hmoore@pcit.com<; <hodgesjl@pacbell.net<; < < <honest@compuserve.com<; <huse@eesconsulting.com<; < < <iberrio@greenlining.org<; <j.p.shotwell@sce.com<; < <jbarthrop@electric.com<; < < <jbennett@gmssr.com<; <jbradley@svmg.org<; <jbushee@sablaw.com<; < < <jcpaine@stoel.com<; <jdh@eslawfirm.com<; <jeff@hmhresources.com<; < < <jerryl@abag.ca.gov<; <jesse.avila@ci.fresno.ca.us<; < <jguzman@nossaman.com<; < < <jhay@sempra.com<; <jhg@meyersnave.com<; <jimross@r-c-s-inc.com<; "Zeller, < < Jason" <jjz@cpuc.ca.gov<; <jleslie@luce.com<; "Lo, Jeanette" < < <jlo@cpuc.ca.gov<; <jlondon@gralegal.com<; <jlyoung@sempra.com<; < < <jmalkin@orrick.com<; "Halligan, Julie" <jmh@cpuc.ca.gov<; <jmrb@pge.com<; < < <jnnc@chevron.com<; <joe.paul@dynegy.com<; <joeyoung@ebmud.com<; < < <jogg@jhenergy.com<; <jon.jacobs@paconsulting.com<; <jparrott@sempra.com<; < < <jpbatmale@realenergy.com<; <jpeck@sempra.com<; "DeUlloa, Joseph R." < < <jrd@cpuc.ca.gov<; <jskillman@prodigy.net<; <jsmollon@newwestenergy.com<; < < <jsqueri@gmssr.com<; "Wong, John S." <jsw@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <jtachera@energy.state.ca.us<; <julesan@aol.com<; <jweil@aglet.org<; < < <jweisgall@aol.com<; <jyf1@pge.com<; <karen@klindh.com<; <kcheh@omm.com<; < < <kduggan@capstoneturbine.com<; <keith-sappenfield@reliantenergy.com<; < < "Lippi, Kimberly" <kjl@cpuc.ca.gov<; <kmccrea@sablaw.com<; < < <kmcspadd@milbank.com<; <kmelville@sempra.com<; <kmills@cfbf.com<; < < "Kajopaiye, Kayode" <kok@cpuc.ca.gov<; <kpoole@adamsbroadwell.com<; < < <lifcentral@lif.org<; <lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com<; "Krannawitter, Laura < L." < < <llk@cpuc.ca.gov<; <lmh@eslawfirm.com<; "Serizawa, Linda" < <lss@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <luluw@newsdata.com<; <lwhouse@el-dorado.ca.us<; < < <margery.a.neis@us.pwcglobal.com<; <maxian_miriam@jpmorgan.com<; < < <mbazeley@sjmercury.com<; <mbrubaker@consultbai.com<; <mday@gmssr.com<; < < <mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com<; <melanie_gillette@rmiinc.com<; "Stevens, < < Maria E." <mer@cpuc.ca.gov<; <mgomez1@bart.gov<; <mhg@hetrading.com<; < < <michael.neville@doj.ca.gov<; <mjaske@energy.state.ca.us<; < < <mkramer@akingump.com<; <mmattes@nossaman.com<; <mpa@a-klaw.com<; < < <mpatel@sidley.com<; <mrh2@pge.com<; <mschwebs@energy.state.ca.us<; < < <mshames@ucan.org<; "Vanko, Maria" <mv1@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <napedersen@jonesday.com<; <nryan@environmentaldefense.org<; < < <oshirock@pacbell.net<; <patrickm@crossborderenergy.com<; < < <paul.harris@bridge.com<; <pbray@newpower.com<; <perrault@perrcon.net<; < < <peter_fox-penner@brattle.com<; <phanschen@mofo.com<; <picketse@sce.com<; < < <pjmuller@ricochet.net<; <pjpowerlaw@aol.com<; "Durgin, Pamela M." < < <pmd@cpuc.ca.gov<; <pvanmidde@earthlink.net<; <pxo2@pge.com<; < < <randy.chinn@senate.ca.gov<; <randy_britt@mayco.com<; "White, Rosalina" < < <raw@cpuc.ca.gov<; "Campbell, Rod" <rax@cpuc.ca.gov<; <rbw@mrwassoc.com<; < < "Cagen, Robert C." <rcc@cpuc.ca.gov<; <riald@kindermorgan.com<; < < <rick.counihan@greenmountain.com<; <rkeen@manatt.com<; < <rliebert@cfbf.com<; < < <rmccann@cal.net<; <robert.d.schasel@fritolay.com<; < < <rogerberliner@bcjlaw.com<; <ronknecht@aol.com<; < < <rpernell@energy.state.ca.us<; <rrcollins@n-h-i.org<; <rrh3@pge.com<; < < <rschmidt@bartlewells.com<; <rtavares@energy.state.ca.us<; "Feraru, Robert < < T." <rtf@cpuc.ca.gov<; <rtp1@pge.com<; <sberlin@mccarthylaw.com<; < < <scottst@mid.org<; "Roscow, Steve" <scr@cpuc.ca.gov<; <sdrossi@calpx.com<; < < "Casey, Sean F." <sfc@cpuc.ca.gov<; <sgreenberg@realenergy.com<; < < <smoss@hooked.net<; <smutny@iepa.com<; "Ross, Steve" <sro@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <ssmyers@worldnet.att.net<; <thaines@smud.org<; < < <theresa_mueller@ci.sf.ca.us<; <thixson@mdbe.com<; <thoulihan@mdbe.com<; < < <tknox@klalawfirm.com<; <tmberliner@duanemorris.com<; < < <tomb@crossborderenergy.com<; <tonywetzel@home.com<; < <tregtremont@dwt.com<; < < <troberts@sempra.com<; "Pulsifer, Thomas R." <trp@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <tsmegal@calwater.com<; "Burns, Truman L." <txb@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <uwuaregion5@earthlink.net<; "William Booth" <wbooth@booth-law.COM<; < < <wendy@econinsights.com<; <whe1@pge.com<; "Yee, Helen W." < <yee@cpuc.ca.gov<; < < <trp@cpuc.ca.gov'< < < Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 4:36 PM < < Subject: RE: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) < < < < < < < ALJ Pulsifer -- Pursuant to your instructions at today's PHC, this is < to < < < inform you and the parties that CLECA will file a Motion to Strike < < portions < < < of the testimony of TURN witness Marcus and PG&E witness Kuga that < address < < < the creation of specific fees or charges on direct access customers. < That < < < issue is specifically before Comm. Wood and ALJ Barnett in A.98-07-003 < and < < < it is not appropriately part of the inter-utility allocation of DWR < costs < < < that is the subject of this proceeding. I believe that other customer < < < groups will join CLECA in that filing, which we plan to make on Tuesday < < when < < < the Commission opens for business. William Booth < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < < From: Pulmano, Erlinda [mailto:eap@cpuc.ca.gov] < < < < Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 6:14 PM < < < < To: 'DavoodiKR@efaches.navfac.navy.mil'; < < < < 'FurutaNJ@efawest.navfac.navy.mil'; 'LVanWagenen@sempra.com'; < < < < 'NXK2@pge.com'; 'RJP2@pge.com'; 'ROTT1@aol.com'; < < < < 'Slayman@energy.state.ca.us'; 'a0011038@cpuc.ca.gov'; < < 'abb@eslawfirm.com'; < < < < 'ad046@detroit.freenet.org'; 'aglandenergy@earthlink.net'; < < < < 'alexm@calpine.com'; Chan, Amy W.; 'anchau@shellus.com'; < < < < 'andrew@mbvlaw.com'; 'aorchar@smud.org'; < 'askaff@energy-law-group.com'; < < < < Hartmann, Audra; 'athomas@newenergy.com'; Premo, Anne W.; < Yip-Kikugawa, < < < < Amy; 'beth.fox@sce.com'; 'bfinkelstein@turn.org'; < < < < 'bill.mccallum@ci.fresno.ca.us'; 'bill.wells@tyndall.af.mil'; < < < < 'bill@jbsenergy.com'; 'billw@calpine.com'; 'bishop@jrwood.com'; < < < < 'blaising@braunlegal.com'; 'bloomje@la.whitecase.com'; < < < < 'bob_anderson@apses.com'; 'bradylaw@pacbell.net'; 'brb3@pge.com'; < < < < 'brbarkovich@earthlink.net'; Khoury, Dexter; 'btenney@landuselaw.com'; < < < < 'butzjh@apci.com'; Linsey, Steve; 'cfm3@pge.com'; 'chilen@llgm.com'; < < < < 'chrism@mid.org'; 'christine_ferrari@ci.sf.ca.us'; < 'ckingaei@yahoo.com'; < < < < 'clpearce@duanemorris.com'; 'cmkehrein@ems-ca.com'; Walwyn, Christine < < M.; < < < < 'cpeyton@sacbee.com'; 'cread@steptoe.com'; Danforth, Christopher; < < < < 'cwrmccv@worldnet.att.net'; 'cyounger@manatt.com'; < 'dcarroll@dbsr.com'; < < < < 'ddavie@hesinet.com'; 'deb@a-klaw.com'; 'derkp@newsdata.com'; < < < < 'dgeorge@kroger.com'; 'dhuard@manatt.com'; < < < < 'difellman@energy-law-group.com'; 'dkk@eslawfirm.com'; Lafrenz, Donald < < J.; < < < < 'dmarcus@slip.net'; 'doug.anderson@calenergy.com'; < < < < 'douglass@energyattorney.com'; 'dpritchard@mofo.com'; 'drp6@pge.com'; < < < < 'dws@keywaycorp.com'; 'ed@apx.com'; 'ed@clfp.com'; < < 'edwardoneill@dwt.com'; < < < < 'ek@a-klaw.com'; 'ell5@pge.com'; 'emitchel@angnewspapers.com'; < < < < 'epoole@adplaw.com'; 'firmiyas@dof.ca.gov'; 'fmo@sdcity.sannet.gov'; < < < < 'foothill@lmi.net'; 'fosterbc@sce.com'; 'frank.cooley@sce.com'; < < < < 'freedman@turn.org'; 'fspillman@akingump.com'; Fua, Faline; < < < < 'fwmonier@tid.org'; 'gdreed@sidley.com'; 'gerhordt.herbert@msdw.com'; < < < < Kinosian, Robert; 'glsg@pge.com'; 'gtbl@dynegy.com'; < < < < 'harrington@ggra.org'; 'hbd@gweiss.com'; 'hchoy@isd.co.la.ca.us'; < < < < 'hmoore@pcit.com'; 'hodgesjl@pacbell.net'; 'honest@compuserve.com'; < < < < 'huse@eesconsulting.com'; 'iberrio@greenlining.org'; < < < < 'j.p.shotwell@sce.com'; 'jbarthrop@electric.com'; < 'jbennett@gmssr.com'; < < < < 'jbradley@svmg.org'; 'jbushee@sablaw.com'; 'jcpaine@stoel.com'; < < < < 'jdh@eslawfirm.com'; 'jeff@hmhresources.com'; 'jerryl@abag.ca.gov'; < < < < 'jesse.avila@ci.fresno.ca.us'; 'jguzman@nossaman.com'; < < 'jhay@sempra.com'; < < < < 'jhg@meyersnave.com'; 'jimross@r-c-s-inc.com'; Zeller, Jason; < < < < 'jleslie@luce.com'; Lo, Jeanette; 'jlondon@gralegal.com'; < < < < 'jlyoung@sempra.com'; 'jmalkin@orrick.com'; Halligan, Julie; < < < < 'jmrb@pge.com'; 'jnnc@chevron.com'; 'joe.paul@dynegy.com'; < < < < 'joeyoung@ebmud.com'; 'jogg@jhenergy.com'; < < 'jon.jacobs@paconsulting.com'; < < < < 'jparrott@sempra.com'; 'jpbatmale@realenergy.com'; 'jpeck@sempra.com'; < < < < DeUlloa, Joseph R.; 'jskillman@prodigy.net'; < < 'jsmollon@newwestenergy.com'; < < < < 'jsqueri@gmssr.com'; Wong, John S.; 'jtachera@energy.state.ca.us'; < < < < 'julesan@aol.com'; 'jweil@aglet.org'; 'jweisgall@aol.com'; < < 'jyf1@pge.com'; < < < < 'karen@klindh.com'; 'kcheh@omm.com'; 'kduggan@capstoneturbine.com'; < < < < 'keith-sappenfield@reliantenergy.com'; Lippi, Kimberly; < < < < 'kmccrea@sablaw.com'; 'kmcspadd@milbank.com'; 'kmelville@sempra.com'; < < < < 'kmills@cfbf.com'; Kajopaiye, Kayode; 'kpoole@adamsbroadwell.com'; < < < < 'lifcentral@lif.org'; 'lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com'; Krannawitter, Laura < < L.; < < < < 'lmh@eslawfirm.com'; Serizawa, Linda; 'luluw@newsdata.com'; < < < < 'lwhouse@el-dorado.ca.us'; 'margery.a.neis@us.pwcglobal.com'; < < < < 'maxian_miriam@jpmorgan.com'; 'mbazeley@sjmercury.com'; < < < < 'mbrubaker@consultbai.com'; 'mday@gmssr.com'; < < < < 'mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com'; 'melanie_gillette@rmiinc.com'; Stevens, < < < < Maria E.; 'mgomez1@bart.gov'; 'mhg@hetrading.com'; < < < < 'michael.neville@doj.ca.gov'; 'mjaske@energy.state.ca.us'; < < < < 'mkramer@akingump.com'; 'mmattes@nossaman.com'; 'mpa@a-klaw.com'; < < < < 'mpatel@sidley.com'; 'mrh2@pge.com'; 'mschwebs@energy.state.ca.us'; < < < < 'mshames@ucan.org'; Vanko, Maria; 'napedersen@jonesday.com'; < < < < 'nryan@environmentaldefense.org'; 'oshirock@pacbell.net'; < < < < 'patrickm@crossborderenergy.com'; 'paul.harris@bridge.com'; < < < < 'pbray@newpower.com'; 'perrault@perrcon.net'; < < < < 'peter_fox-penner@brattle.com'; 'phanschen@mofo.com'; < < 'picketse@sce.com'; < < < < 'pjmuller@ricochet.net'; 'pjpowerlaw@aol.com'; Durgin, Pamela M.; < < < < 'pvanmidde@earthlink.net'; 'pxo2@pge.com'; < 'randy.chinn@senate.ca.gov'; < < < < 'randy_britt@mayco.com'; White, Rosalina; Campbell, Rod; < < < < 'rbw@mrwassoc.com'; Cagen, Robert C.; 'riald@kindermorgan.com'; < < < < 'rick.counihan@greenmountain.com'; 'rkeen@manatt.com'; < < < < 'rliebert@cfbf.com'; 'rmccann@cal.net'; < 'robert.d.schasel@fritolay.com'; < < < < 'rogerberliner@bcjlaw.com'; 'ronknecht@aol.com'; < < < < 'rpernell@energy.state.ca.us'; 'rrcollins@n-h-i.org'; 'rrh3@pge.com'; < < < < 'rschmidt@bartlewells.com'; 'rtavares@energy.state.ca.us'; Feraru, < < Robert < < < < T.; 'rtp1@pge.com'; 'sberlin@mccarthylaw.com'; 'scottst@mid.org'; < < Roscow, < < < < Steve; 'sdrossi@calpx.com'; Casey, Sean F.; < 'sgreenberg@realenergy.com'; < < < < 'smoss@hooked.net'; 'smutny@iepa.com'; Ross, Steve; < < < < 'ssmyers@worldnet.att.net'; 'thaines@smud.org'; < < < < 'theresa_mueller@ci.sf.ca.us'; 'thixson@mdbe.com'; < 'thoulihan@mdbe.com'; < < < < 'tknox@klalawfirm.com'; 'tmberliner@duanemorris.com'; < < < < 'tomb@crossborderenergy.com'; 'tonywetzel@home.com'; < < < < 'tregtremont@dwt.com'; 'troberts@sempra.com'; Pulsifer, Thomas R.; < < < < 'tsmegal@calwater.com'; Burns, Truman L.; 'uwuaregion5@earthlink.net'; < < < < 'wbooth@booth-law.com'; 'wendy@econinsights.com'; 'whe1@pge.com'; Yee, < < < < Helen W. < < < < Subject: A.00-11-038 et al. (ALJ Pulsifer Ruling) < < < < < < < < << File: CPUC01-#110329-v1-A0011038_et_al__Pulsfier_Ruling_.doc << < < < This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to whom it is < < < addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential < or < < < otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of < < < this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent < < < responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you < are < < < hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this < < < communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this < < < communication in error, please immediately notify us by replying to the < < < original sender of this note. Thank You. < < This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to whom it is < < addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or < < otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of < < this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent < < responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are < < hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this < < communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this < < communication in error, please immediately notify us by replying to the < < original sender of this note. Thank You. < < < < < < < This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to whom it is < addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or < otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of < this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent < responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are < hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this < communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this < communication in error, please immediately notify us by replying to the < original sender of this note. Thank You.