Enron Mail

Subject:FW: FYI PUCT/ERCOT Dates
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2001 11:05:12 -0800 (PST)

Charles -- as our new ERCOT person!!, you should probably visit with Thane about these meetings and ERCOT happenings, in general. Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: Twiggs, Thane
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:09 PM
To: Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.
Cc: Nicolay, Christi L.
Subject: FYI PUCT/ERCOT Dates

Here are the meetings that I have scheduled for the balance of November at ERCOT/PUCT:

November 16 Protocol Revision Subcommittee. No voting seat, however, any attending can vote, limited to one vote per company.

November 19 -- ERCOT Board Meeting. No Voting Seat, (until Jean wins one next month).
TEX MEX will be discussed, however, not in detail.

November 20 -- PUCT Open Meeting

November 26 -- Congestion Management Working Group -- Development of the TCR. I chair the group, however I will not continue to do after leaving Enron.

November 28 -- There is a capacity auction rulemaking at the PUCT. This will be to determine the rules under which the September 2002 and subsequent auctions will take place.

11/20/20 Agenda http://www.puc.state.tx.us/openmeet/112001.cfm

11/19 Board Agenda and Information http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2001calendar/Attachments/BOD11192001_attachmentlist.htm

November 26 -- Information Presentation to TAC and Draft Protocol