Enron Mail

To:tom.riley@enron.com, diann.huddleson@enron.com
Subject:PG&E Rep and Sutter Health on Adding Facilities
Cc:michael.lechner@enron.com, mike.smith@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,d..steffes@enron.com
Bcc:michael.lechner@enron.com, mike.smith@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,d..steffes@enron.com
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 11:14:36 -0800 (PST)

Tom, Diann and Michael,

I gave Peter Ouberg a call but then I read the PG&E rep's answer again ..

I think Tom Heckman misinterpreted what Rod Lee said. I agree with Rod Lee. He did not say that Enron could not submit DASRs -- he said we had to have the account on the list and if we did then the DASR would be processed. If we did not have the account on the list, there would have to be some verification that the contract was signed on or before 9/20/01. Enron and the other ESPs previously agreed with this approach (although the utilities did not fully buy into it). I believe Diann submitted the account information, as we had agreed, on Nov 1. I take a little bit of issue with the comment that they will reject DASRs for accounts not on the Nov 1 list until the contract is verified, but I believe it follows the general spirit of what we agreed to at the meeting with ESPs and utilities on Oct 2.

I think Mr. Heckman thought he was being told that he could not add new facilities, but that's not how I read the reply from Mr. Lee.

So, I called Peter Ouberg back and said told him there didn't appear to be a problem after all, but that I would let him know if one cropped up. IF you would like me to speak to Mr. Heckman, I would be happy to do so.

Sue Mara
(415) 782-7802

-----Original Message-----
From: Riley, Tom
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 5:14 PM
To: Huddleson,Diann; Mara, Susan
Cc: Lechner, Michael
Subject: RE: Dueling rulings on direct access

Sue, Diann,

It appears PG&E is telling our customers they cannot add accounts where
allowed by a contract as well. What can we do to get PG&E to stop providing
misinformation to our customers?


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Lechner, Michael
< Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 1:51 PM
< To: Riley, Tom
< Subject: FW: Dueling rulings on direct access
< Per your request re.: Tom Heckmann of Sutter Health.
< Regards,
< T. Michael Lechner, P. E.
< Service Manager
< Enron Energy Services
< Phone: 925-543-3833
< Pager: 888-562-9418
< Cell: 925-698-5670
< Fax: 925-543-3550
< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Heckmann, Thomas" <HeckmaT@sutterhealth.org<@ENRON@EES
< Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 3:00 PM
< To: 'Lee, Rod'
< Cc: Carroll, Janice; Wright, Bill; Evans, Kelley
< Subject: Dueling rulings on direct access
< But CPUC D.01-10-036 of 10/10/01 states:
< <
< < "For purposes of utility compliance with D.01-09-060, we want to
< make
< < it clear that, unless otherwise directed or allowed to in a subsequent
< < Commission decision, utilities cannot set a deadline after which they
< could refuse to
< < process DASRs relating to contracts executed on or before September 20,
< < 2001."
< Our contract is before Sept 20.
< New DASR's can occur any time.
< Since we disagree, I suppose we may have to get an opinion from the CPUC.
< Tom Heckmann, PhD
< Contract Analyst
< Sutter Health System Procurement
< 1600 Cebrian St
< West Sacramento, CA 95691
< (916) 373-3420 phone
< (916) 373-3470 fax
< (916) 373-6706 page
< <heckmat@sutterhealth.org<
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Lee, Rod [SMTP:RZL1@pge.com]
< Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 10:45 AM
< To: 'Heckmann, Thomas'
< Subject: RE: Forthcoming Direct Access DASR's
< Tom,
< The CPUC's Decision 01-09-060 specifically prohibits any new
< contracts, agreements & "arrangements" post Sept 20th. Accounts that
< were
< under contract on or prior to September 20th, are eligible for DA at
< anytime
< afterwards. The Commission has ordered the UDCs to accept DASRs
< indefinitely
< for customer accounts that meet the Sept. 20th customer "contract"
< deadline.
< The November 1 deadline still exists & presumably Enron has
< submitted Sutter's valid account numbers on that list. If DASRs are
< submitted on accounts that are not on the list they will be rejected until
< such time that verification of a legitimate contract exists.
< Roderick Lee
< Corporate Account Manager
< Office - 415 973-4830
< Cell Phone 415 244-1647
< Fax - 415 973-8494
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Heckmann, Thomas [ mailto:HeckmaT@sutterhealth.org
< <mailto:HeckmaT@sutterhealth.org< ]
< Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 4:25 PM
< To: Lee, Rod
< Subject: Forthcoming Direct Access DASR's
< Rod,
< On the question of whether new accounts can be added to old
< contracts ...
< The October 12 PG&E implementation plan for direct access
< "wind-down" you
< recently shared with me gave deadlines of October 5 and November 1,
< respectively, for ESP's to provide names of customers and details of
< customer accounts to be added to direct access.
< I quote additional wording referring to the above " ... time-lines
< require
< ESP's to specify ... those customers by name whose contracts qualify
< them
< for the submission of additional DASR's"
< Thus PG&E's plan clearly contemplates the addition of new accounts
< to old
< contracts.
< Now, October 20, CPUC ruling D.01-10-036 states:
< <
< < "For purposes of utility compliance with D.01-09-060, we want
< to make
< < it clear that, unless otherwise directed or allowed to in a
< subsequent
< < Commission decision, utilities cannot set a deadline after which
< they
< could refuse to
< < process DASRs relating to contracts executed on or before
< September 20,
< < 2001."
< Therefore, it being PG&E's intent to let new accounts be DASR'd to
< old
< agreements which include a provision for adding new accounts, and it
< being
< the CPUC's explicit ruling that no time limit be set on this
< activity,
< Sutter Health is moving forward with plans to add a number of
< accounts to
< its current direct access arrangement with Enron.
< Please let me know if you anticipate any barriers to this action at
< your
< end, as arrangements with Enron will take a lot of time and energy.
< Cordially,
< Tom Heckmann, PhD
< Contract Analyst
< Sutter Health System Procurement
< 1600 Cebrian St
< West Sacramento, CA 95691
< (916) 373-3420 phone
< (916) 373-3470 fax
< (916) 373-6706 page
< <heckmat@sutterhealth.org<