Enron Mail

To:l..nicolay@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, michael.roan@enron.com
Subject:RE: SPP Retail Market Opening Testimony
Cc:m..presto@enron.com, narsimha.misra@enron.com, rogers.herndon@enron.com
Bcc:m..presto@enron.com, narsimha.misra@enron.com, rogers.herndon@enron.com
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:41:30 -0700 (PDT)

That would be great. One thought would be to file it in the docket where w=
e filed on the native load issue, a copy of Ron's testimony. =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Nicolay, Christi L. =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 4:10 PM
To:=09Steffes, James D.; Migden, Janine; Roan, Michael
Cc:=09Presto, Kevin M.; Misra, Narsimha; Herndon, Rogers
Subject:=09FW: SPP Retail Market Opening Testimony

Good idea! Janine--we will get you Ron McNamara's testimony on behalf AEP =
(SWEPCO in Texas) and see if it will help in Ohio.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Presto, Kevin M. =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 4:00 PM
To:=09Nicolay, Christi L.
Subject:=09RE: SPP Retail Market Opening Testimony

Why can't we use AEP's position against them in their own backyard (Ohio). =
AEP's position is that you can't have effective retail markets without re=
al-time energy markets (which I agree with), yet there is no real-time ener=
gy market with ancillary clearing prices in AEP's service territory in Ohio=

Can we use their own testimony against them?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Nicolay, Christi L. =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 3:29 PM
To:=09Presto, Kevin M.; SMITH, Douglas
Subject:=09FW: SPP Retail Market Opening Testimony

AEP asked the Texas PUC to postpone opening the Texas (outside of ERCOT) re=
tail market because there is no centralized dispatch (per Ron M's testimony=
on behalf on AEP). After talking with our SPP folks (I understand that EP=
MI has bid to serve a portion of Entergy's load) , Jim's testimony is that =
the outside of ERCOT Texas market should open 1/1/02 and that other states =
have implemented retail open access without a centralized dispatch model (f=
or example, AEP in Ohio, ComEd in Ilinois and Duquense in ECAR/PA). Jim st=
ates that while RTOs and central dispatch will certainly facilitate the mar=
ket, it is not absolutely required, and that, if AEP thinks that the retail=
market will not be competitive without it, then, perhaps, REPS other than =
AEP should be the only ones allowed to serve retail load in this part of Te=
xas until central dispatch is in place. In addition, he states that the im=
balance provisions should be changed and that network firm capacity should =
be available to REPs (without the need for protracted system impact studies=
, since the load is already being served.)

Apparently, Entergy has also changed its mind and now is opposing the 1/1/0=
2 opening of the Entergy/Texas retail market.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Steffes, James D. =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 12, 2001 1:37 PM
To:=09Herndon, Rogers; Rorschach, Reagan; Acevedo, Rudy; Kroll, Heather; Ni=
colay, Christi L.; Maurer, Luiz; Keene, Patrick; Twiggs, Thane; Ryall, Jean=
; Hamb, Edward
Subject:=09SPP Retail Market Opening Testimony

Attached is the testimony that I filed today asking thh PUC of Texas to ope=
n the retail markets in the SPP territory.



<< File: PUCT on Order 13.doc <<