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Subject:The IPAnet Briefing - October 2001
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 10:17:58 -0700 (PDT)

The IPAnet Briefing
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2001

The IPAnet Briefing is the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency's (MIGA) free monthly e-newsletter for registered users of the Investment Promotion Network (IPAnet) and PrivatizationLink investment information services. If you are not a registered user and would like to receive future issues, please register at -- http://www.ipanet.net/regonew/index.cfm.

Should you prefer to read this Briefing online with all hyperlinks active, an HTML version can be accessed at -- http://www.ipanet.net/briefing/brief.cfm?num=33.

The Briefing provides updates of new foreign direct investment (FDI) information, country and sector analysis, privatization opportunities and event announcements recently cataloged on MIGA's online investment information services, as well as reviews of current FDI research. This information is sourced from investment promotion and privatization agencies, as well as development finance institutions, non-governmental organizations and private sector organizations involved in promoting FDI into developing countries and economies in transition.

Please address your comments, feedback and news items of interest to -- ipanetbriefing@worldbank.org. Enquiries regarding MIGA's political risk guarantee products should be sent to Federica Dal Bono -- fdalbono@worldbank.org.

If you are a registered user and would like to unsubscribe from the IPAnet Briefing, go to -- http://www.ipanet.net/briefing/unsubscribe.cfm -- and enter your e-mail address as indicated.

This issue of the IPAnet Briefing features:

I. Please take the IPAnet user survey!

II. New Additions to IPAnet

-- Country overviews updated from the 2001 CIA World Factbook
-- Trade policy reviews from the World Trade Organization
-- Country Commercial Guides for 97 countries are now available

III. New Content Within PrivatizationLink

-- New privatization investment opportunities

IV. FDI News Highlights

-- UNCTAD predicts a further decline in global FDI this year due to the recent
-- OECD meeting addresses international taxation and cross-border investment
-- Foreign Investment Advisory Service launches updated Web site

V. MIGA News and Activities

VI. Upcoming Investment-Related Events

VII. Overview of IPAnet Sponsorship Benefits


I. The IPAnet User Survey 2001

Please take the IPAnet User Survey!!

MIGA would like to elicit your views on the IPAnet online investment information service and various new enhancements we are considering -- to that end we ask you to complete the survey form at --http://www.ipanet.net/documents/WorldBank/databases/survey/ipanet2001_form.cfm

Your participation in the survey will guide us in targeting new content resources, as well as designing new features and functionality to meet your evolving information needs. Your input regarding the usefulness and impact of IPAnet's services on your business and investment activities is also critical in our reporting to our stakeholders, whose support is crucial in ensuring the continued delivery of this free online information service.

Please take five minutes to complete the online survey form -- the first 25 respondents will receive free IPAnet mousepads!!

II. New Additions to IPAnet

Country overviews updated from the 2001 CIA World Factbook

Two hundred twenty four at-a-glance country reports have been updated in IPAnet's Document Catalog -- http://www.ipanet.net/infores/tinforesult.cfm?In_source=3162 -- sourced from the 2001 CIA World Factbook. The information provided in the country reports include basic facts about each country, economic overviews, as well as transportation and communication statistics.

Trade policy reviews from the World Trade Organization added to IPAnet

The latest trade policy reviews for the United States, Cameroon and Gabon published by the World Trade Organization -- http://www.wto.org -- have been added to IPAnet's Document Catalog -- http://www.ipanet.net/infores/tinforesult.cfm?In_source=4771. The reviews include information on FDI policies and changes in the FDI regulatory frameworks.

Country Commercial Guides for 97 countries now available in IPAnet

The recent addition of 44 country commercial guides brings the total number of such guides in IPAnet's Document Catalog for fiscal 2002 to 97 -- http://www.ipanet.net/infores/tinforesult.cfm?In_source=3078. These guides, produced by the US Commerce Department, contain comprehensive information on national economic and political trends, economic and trade statistics and regulations, the investment climate, market research findings and the leading sectors of each country for export and investment.

III. New Content Within PrivatizationLink

New privatization investment opportunities now featured in the upgraded PrivatizationLink Web site -- http://www.privatizationlink.com, including:

-- Armenia: The Government has approved a list of 16 strategic enterprises -- http://www.privatization.am/nsp/nsp35.html -- to be prepared for privatization. The list includes companies in the mining, energy, light industry, radio electronics and machine construction sectors.

-- Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Republika Srpska Directorate for Privatization -- http://www.rsprivatizacija.com -- the privatization agency for the Serb Republic, has announced tenders for an information technology, publishing and printing company (bid closing date: October 26, 2001); a dairy producer (bid closing date: November 5, 2001); a steel foundry, a tool machine factory, a silk cloth manufacturer and a steel pipe producer (bid closing date: November 13, 2001); a tanning and leather manufacturing company (bid closing date: November 29, 2001); and two fruit and vegetable canning firms (bid closing date: November 19, 2001).
The Agency for Privatization -- http://www.apf.com.ba/ -- has issued tenders for a reduction machine manufacturer (bid closing date: October 19, 2001); a biscuit, cookie and cake manufacturer (bid closing date: October 22, 2001); an ammoniac soda factory (bid closing date: November 1, 2001); and a detergent manufacturer (bid closing date: December 4, 2001).

-- Central African Republic: The Commission of Privatisation has launched an international tender for a number of state-owned companies -- http://www.centrafrique.org/centrafrique-presse/articles.php3?id_art=641. International investors are sought for SOGESCA (a sugar producer), CENTRAPALM (palm oil producer), SOCATRAF (transport), SCET SOFITEL and SHOC HOTEL DU CENTRE (hotels), BARC (road transport), and SEGA (slaughterhouse). (bid closing date: December 15, 2001).

A tender process has commenced -- http://www.natfund.gov.sk/english/oznamenie5.htm -- for the sale of 67 per cent of a spa resort in Western Slovakia, Slovenske Liecebne Kupele Piestany. Final bids for participating in the spa sale are due to be submitted by January 10, 2002.

-- Uruguay: The Communication Services Regulatory Agency -- http://www.ursec.gub.uy -- is offering a Spectrum Rights of Use (SRUs) for mobile communication services -- http://www.uyweb.com.uy/ursec/English/docs/rules.doc. The SRUs will be allocated through an auction that will be held on November 26, 2001. Interested investors must submit their application materials no later than October 30, 2001.

IV. FDI News Highlights

UNCTAD predicts a further decline in global FDI this year due to the recent events

According to UNCTAD -- http://www.unctad.org -- the events of September 11, 2001 on global FDI flows will accentuate the 40 percent decline expected in 2001 (US$760 billion) -- http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/poitem49.en.pdf (Acrobat reader required). The further weakening of the domestic economies of the United States and other leading industrialized countries and higher levels of uncertainty are likely to induce companies to adopt a wait-and-see approach and put planned investments on hold until they gain a better understanding of the longer term impact of the events as they unfold. FDI in industries, such as transportation services, airplane manufacturing, tourism, insurance and financial services may in particular be negatively affected. The recent events may lead to higher FDI in low-cost countries, as companies facing declining demand seek to cut costs further. While the longer term impact of the recent events on FDI flows is difficult to forecast at this point, in 2001 !
tal FDI flows are anticipated to be less than US$700 billion.

OECD meeting addresses international taxation and cross-border investment

In the recent Global Forum on Taxation -- http://www.oecd.org/oecd/pages/home/displaygeneral/0,3380,EN-document-103-3-no-12-18277-103,00.html -- organized by OECD -- http://www.oecd.org -- participants addressed several issues regarding international taxation of multinational enterprises, tax havens, harmful tax practices and transfer pricing. Over 1,500 bilateral tax treaties around the world provide a framework for avoiding double taxation and for co-operation between tax authorities to resolve disputes and exchange information. In today's global economy a large share of world trade consists of transfers of goods, intangibles and services within multinational enterprises. Transfer pricing rules are therefore an important tool to determine tax liabilities in each jurisdiction. Competition for FDI has encouraged countries to make their tax systems more attractive to investors. However, some tax and related practices are anti-competitive and can undercut the gains that tax co!
etition generates.

Foreign Investment Advisory Service launches updated Web site

The Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS) of the World Bank Group -- http://www.worldbank.org -- whose mission is to help developing country governments improve their FDI environment, recently launched its updated Web site -- http://www.fias.net. The site has several new and updated features, including:
-- a list of current projects in Asia and the Pacific -- http://www.fias.net/data/asia.html -- Sub-Saharan Africa -- http://www.fias.net/data/sub_saharan.html -- Latin America and the Caribbean -- http://www.fias.net/data/latin_america.html -- Europe and Central Asia -- http://www.fias.net/data/europe.html -- the Middle East and North Africa -- http://www.fias.net/data/mena.html -- the World Business Environment Survey -- http://www1.worldbank.org/beext/resources/assess-wbessurvey-alt.htm -- of 81 countries and territories. The Survey uses a fairly uniform survey methodology to generate indicators that are comparable across countries and over time. The Survey covers perceptions of the investment climate as shaped by local economic policy, governance, regulatory, infrastructure and financial impediments and quality of public services; and
-- links to investment climate indicators -- http://www.fias.net/investment_climate.html.
For more information, please contact FIAS at fias@ifc.org.

V. MIGA News and Activities

MIGA Web site receives a facelift

MIGA -- http://www.miga.org -- has launched a new version of its Web site with several new features:
-- a list of projects (including a Featured Project section) insured by MIGA in fiscal 2001, classified by region -- http://www.miga.org/screens/projects/projects.htm
-- a new Partnerships section highlighting MIGA's official cooperation agreements with insurers, with links to each insurer's Web site-- http://www.miga.org/screens/partnerships/partnerships.htm
-- updated content on the "About MIGA" and "Products and Services" pages, and a summary of requirements for completion of the Preliminary Guarantee Application Form -- http://www.miga.org/screens/services/guarant/forms/pa.pdf (Acrobat Reader required);
-- the Publications page showcasing new MIGA marketing materials (e.g., brochures and the Investment Guarantee Guide) -- http://www.miga.org/screens/pubs/pubs.htm and
-- a revised FAQ page, addressing "Guarantees Basics" --
For further information about the MIGA Web site, please contact migamarketing@worldbank.org.

Latest issue of MIGA News highlights Agency's strong results

The fourth quarter issue of MIGA News -- http://www.miga.org/screens/pubs/miganews/vol9no.3.pdf (Acrobat Reader required) -- was recently published. The issue features the results of MIGA's guarantees portfolio and investment marketing performance in fiscal 2001, the agency's mediation service, and project highlights, including an effort to address basic power problems in the slums of Rio de Janeiro.

VI. Upcoming Investment-Related Events

The following is a sampling of upcoming investment conferences and seminars selected from IPAnet's Events Calendar -- http://www.ipanet.net/events/ -- containing a complete searchable listing.

The Fifth Annual Russian Investment Symposium -- http://djconferences.dj.com/russia/index.html -- Boston, MA, United States, November 1-3, 2001

Contact: Maxine Berry
E-mail: Maxine.Berry@dowjones.com
Phone: 44 (0) 20 7 842 9679

Second Middle East and North Africa Project Finance and Privatization Conference -- http://www.expodio.com/events/110601/privat_2001.html -- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, November 6-7, 2001

Contact: Mahmoud Thahab
E-mail: mail@expodio.com
Phone: 1 (949) 363-0060
Fax: 1 (949) 495-4280

Doing Business in Latin America -- http://www.fcibglobal.com/newsite/events/faz901.html -- Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, January 16 - 18, 2002

Contact: Aneta Spilman
E-mail: anetas@fcibglobal.com
Phone: 1 703-684-1366

Economic Development Masterclass: Attracting inward investment in a changing environment --
http://www.euromoneyseminars.com/event_information.asp?eventid=ELE%20520&eventmenu=true&eventpassed=false -- Miami, Florida. USA.
Foundation Course -- February 25-26, 2002
Advanced Courses -- February 27-28, 2002
**Please Note: All registered IPAnet users are entitled to a 10% discount for either or both courses.**

Contact: Jason Coles
E-mail: jcoles@euromoneyplc.com
Phone: +44 (0) 870 90 62 600

VII. Overview of IPAnet Sponsorship Benefits

IPAnet is one of the most frequently utilized Internet sites focusing on foreign direct investment information and investment promotion. IPAnet's databases now catalog over 11,800 information resources (links to other Web sites or documents hosted on our server) drawn from over 600 organizations. These resources make IPAnet the leading Internet portal for information on investment conditions, legal and regulatory issues, as well as specific investment and privatization opportunities worldwide. Today over 19,000 professionals from more than 5,000 institutions in 195 countries -- mainly private sector organizations involved in cross-border investment -- use IPAnet to meet their information-gathering and research needs and contact relevant decision-makers in government, industry and the financial sector.

Sponsorship: You can reach this exclusive audience of multinational companies and investors by becoming an IPAnet sponsor. Sponsors receive a package of on-line marketing services, including a banner advertisement linked to your Home Page. By including an e-mail link in your marketing presentation you can facilitate inquiries by interested IPAnet users. IPAnet also offers online distribution of relevant press releases via the News Sources section and notices of upcoming conferences or other investment-related events via the Events Calendar section.

Annual sponsorship of IPAnet costs US$2,000 per year. A lifetime sponsorship costs US$10,000. Compare the cost of sponsorship to advertising rates in many trade publications -- a full-page advertisement in a single issue of many print publications can be as much as three times the IPAnet annual sponsorship rate!

Sponsored Surveys: IPAnet will work with selected organizations to develop and host sponsored surveys addressing specific investment-related topics or sectors. These sponsored surveys can provide information resources, case studies and "best practice" guidelines that both highlight and leverage upon the expertise of the partner organization.

For further information, please contact the IPAnet Briefing at ipanetbriefing@worldbank.org.