Enron Mail

To:m..presto@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com
Subject:We can vote!: MISO Advisory Committee Power Marketing
Date:Fri, 14 Dec 2001 14:07:14 -0800 (PST)

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Kevin and Jim -- See message below that MISO is selecting the Power Marketer reps for the Advisory Committee. Mike Roan was our rep. The note says that the rest of the PM group wants to replace another marketer for Enron. Practically speaking at this point, we cannot send someone to represent us anyway and would be "rerunning" at some point since we lost Mike.

Mike Roan asks for us to vote for him. Knowing Mike, he will continue to advocate the type of market structure we want (with, of course, whatever AEP spin he must make -- however, he told me that he can advocate LMP financial rights model). I think we should vote for Mike. Ok with you?

-----Original Message-----
From: mjroan@aep.com [mailto:mjroan@aep.com]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 1:20 PM
To: Nicolay, Christi L.
Subject: MISO Advisory Committee Power Marketing Representatives

----- Forwarded by Michael J Roan/AEPIN on 12/14/01 02:19 PM -----

Michael J Roan

12/14/01 01:49 PM

To: christi.nicolay@enron.com
Subject: MISO Advisory Committee Power Marketing Representatives

Christi, as discussed attached is an email setting out selection of the MISO Marketing members for the advisory committee. I believe that selecting me is in Enron's interest as i am trying to build AEP tradings voice and credibility within the MidWest (the current positions are being driven by the transmission side of the business). In short, if Enron is comfortable supporting me please send an email to Donna Dare (DDare@midwestiso.org) by 4pm Monday 12/17 stating that Enron supports the nomination of Mike Roan.


Please let me know the outcome....

----- Forwarded by Michael J Roan/AEPIN on 12/14/01 01:44 PM -----

"Taylor, David W." <David.Taylor@constellation.com<

12/12/01 06:47 PM

To: hjreed@powersrc.com, dtaylor@constellation.com, ed@apx.com, jcbaker@aep.com, mjroan@aep.com, welchj@dteenergy.com, bauerr@dteenergy.com, cvwaits@cmsenergy.com, lclarke@pwrteam.com, jim.mayhew@mirant.com, sara_baier@cargill.com, tharper@tnsk.com, idlec@firstenergycorp.com, skidwell@ameren.com, mark.becker@williams.com, henry.leon@williams.com, gweiss@amerenenergy.com
cc: DDare@midwestiso.org
Subject: MISO Advisory Committee Power Marketing Representatives

The MISO has requested that each of the sectors identify their Advisory
Committee representatives for the 2002-2004 term. Specifically, I am
coordinating the selection of the Power Marketing sector representatives.
For the past year, Enron and Constellation have represented the Power
Marketing sector on the MISO Advisory Committee. With the addition of MAPP
to the MISO, a third Power Marketing seat has been added to the Advisory
Committee. Constellation's seat is set to expire at the end of the year and
the new MAPP seat needs to be filled leaving two seats to fill for the
2002-2004 term (the new seat along with Constellation's). However, at this
point in time and considering Enron's current situation, those Power
Marketing entities that have been regularly attending the Advisory Committee
meetings have proposed to also replace the Enron representative under the
belief that Enron cannot properly represent the sector at this time. This
results in the filling of all three Power Marketing seats at this time.

The following entities have expressed an interest in being a Power Marketing
representative on the MISO Advisory Committee and are hereby the nominees
for the Power Marketing sector:

Constellation (Harvey Reed/Dave Taylor)
Mirant (Jim Mayhew)
AEP (Mike Roan)
Detroit Edison (Ron Bauer)

We will hold a secret ballot vote in order to determine the Power Marketing
representatives on the MISO Advisory Committee. Donna Dare of the MISO has
graciously volunteered her time to receive and tabulate the ballots for our
sector as an independent entity. The manner in which we will vote will be
that each power marketing company will rank the nominees in order of
preference and then e-mail the rankings to Donna Dare at the MISO
(DDare@midwestiso.org ). ONLY ONE VOTE PER COMPANY. Donna will apply points
to the rankings she receives (4 points for the first preference, 3 points to
the second preference, 2 points for the third preference, and 1 point for
the forth preference). The two nominees receiving the most points will be
assigned a two year term on the MISO Advisory Committee while the nominee
with the third highest point total will receive a one year term on the MISO
Advisory Committee. Donna will let the sector know whom the selected
representatives are and their associated terms but will not release which
companies voted for which nominees.

When replying to Donna, please indicate your preferences clearly so that
there is no room for interpretation. For example, the following format would
be acceptable:

XYZ Company votes for the following nominees
to represent the Power Marketing sector on the MISO Advisory Committee:

First Preference: Company xxx
Second Preference: Company yyy
Third Preference: Company zzz
Fourth Preference: Company qqq

Please supply your preferences to Donna (i.e., vote) by 4:00 PM Monday,
December 17, 2001.

In addition, the MISO is seeking volunteers from each sector to participate
on the MISO Planning Committee. All those interested in volunteering should
call me directly as soon possible so that we can provide the MISO with the
name of the volunteer from our sector.

Also, I have attached a listing of companies and associated contacts for
each of the Power Marketing entities of the MISO. Please review the list and
let me know of any changes you would like made.

If you have any questions, please call me at (724) 454-6887.

Dave Taylor

< <<Power Marketer Sector Distribution List 2001-12-11 Rev 01.doc<<
< -------------------------------------------------
< David W. Taylor
< Strategic Planning Manager
< Constellation Power Source
< 111 Market Place, Suite 500
< Baltimore, MD 21202
< (410) 468-3478 - Direct
< (724) 454-6887 - Cell
< (410) 468-3709 - Fax
< dtaylor@constellation.com
< ---------------------------------------------------