Enron Mail

Subject:"Real Options and Investment Under Uncertainty" by Eduardo S.
Date:Tue, 1 Jan 2002 18:57:12 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] =09

Search BooksAll Products for Dear James Steffes, We've noti=
ced that many of our customers who have purchased Real Options also enjoy =
books by Eduardo S. Schwarz. For this reason, you might like to know that =
Eduardo S. Schwarz's Real Options and Investment Under Uncertainty is now =
available. You can order your copy by following the link below. [IMA=
GE] Real Options and Investment Under Uncertainty Our Price: $75.00 =
[IMAGE] Book Description The study of investment under uncertainty was s=
tagnant for several decades, until recent developments in real options pro=
vided the tools to revitalize the field. The techniques and insights deriv=
ed from option pricing can now be used to quantify the elusive elements of=
managerial operating flexibility and strategic interactions ignored or un=
derestimated by conventional Net Present Value and other quantitative appr=
oaches. Topics covered include the reasons for the under-investment pro=
blem and... Read more [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Jack: =
Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch, John A. Byrne Real Options: Pri=
nciples and Practice by David Newton, et al The Essential Drucker by=
Peter Ferdinand Drucker Sign up for book recommendations by e-mail =
See other titles in Business & Investing Sincerely, Harry Edwards =
Editor Amazon.com =09

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