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Enron Mail |
Cc: james.steffes@enron.com, steve.walton@enron.com, rob.bradley@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bcc: james.steffes@enron.com, steve.walton@enron.com, rob.bradley@enron.com X-From: Yeung, Charles </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=CYEUNG< X-To: 'McVicker, Maureen' </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=MMCVICK<, Kean, Steven </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Notesaddr/cn=b86dc838-ecafdc13-8625693c-57fa6d< X-cc: Steffes, James </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Notesaddr/cn=afb3d0fa-ccb03d20-86256962-56fda5<, Walton, Steve </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Swalto2<, Bradley, Rob </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Rbradle< X-bcc: X-Folder: \JSTEFFE (Non-Privileged)\Steffes, James D.\NERC X-Origin: Steffes-J X-FileName: JSTEFFE (Non-Privileged).pst Steve =20 I spoke with Phil Marsten on the phone to get more information as to the pu= rpose of CAEM and its supporters. As you know, Enron's attempt at implementation of these technologies a coup= le of years ago (Randy Maffett's group) hit upon many obstacles, mostly res= istance or reluctance by utilities to allow or sponsor such projects. =20 There is some value to the CAEM approach - that is to help the vendors/prop= rietors of the technology by educating regulators and policy makers to the = value of these solutions. =20 Presently, Phil is talking with some transmission companies - but none of t= he major problem area names were mentioned. =20 Phase I - evaluating technology, get a common understanding of these system= s, technically THEN - analysis into the regulatory impacts - includes hiring experts to evaluate the technologies, cost, commercialabi= lity, etc. =20 A CERTS (DOE) effort was technology focused, not focused on the policy side= . I asked Phil if he was aware of any similar efforts at EPRI, EEI or IEEE = to see if there is any duplication. He did not know. I will ask someone t= o research whether these organizations are trying the same. If they are, t= hen there is no need to reinvent the wheel. =20 Phil mentioned that Rob Bradley has information on funding this effort that= may allow Enron participation without financial contribution. =20 I left it open to invite Phil to meet with Enron folks if we are interested= in joining. =20 =20 In my opinion, RTOs will ultimately have to be on board from both a plannin= g and operational perspective to implement these solutions. Policy makers = are certainly important - but RTO endorsement can be just as effective of a= catalyst for implementing these solutions. Regulators tend to defer to th= e technical experts. So, would CAEM be effective or needed on the RTO front= ? Also in Steve Walton's opinion, much more ATC and TTC is left off the ta= ble than what these technologies may be able to offer, so you can get more = bang for the buck by pushing for better NERC rules, curbing regional counci= l authority, getting more FERC action, etc. CAEM technologies could become= a crutch for a bad-boy utility to not doing what is right in the first pla= ce. We would not want a regulator to lose sight of the real problems at ha= nd today.=20 =20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: McVicker, Maureen=20 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 3:51 PM To: Yeung, Charles Subject: FW: Invitation to participate in CAEM's Grid Enhancement Evaluatio= n Project Importance: High Charles: =20 Steve Kean received this email on Aug. 10. I forwarded the information (vi= a hard copy) to Jim Steffes last week at Steve's request. I understand tha= t Jim has forwarded it to you. =20 This man, Phil Marston is calling Steve to follow up. Please call Phil at = 703-548-0154 and let him know if you are interested in meeting with him. = =20 =20 Please let me know what you decide, so I can mark my records on how we resp= onded. =20 Thanks. =20 -----Original Message----- From: Marston, Philip [mailto:pmarston@marstonlaw.com] Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 8:37 AM To: McVicker, Maureen Subject: Fw: Invitation to participate in CAEM's Grid Enhancement Evaluatio= n Project =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Marston, Philip <mailto:pmarston@marstonlaw.com<=20 To: skean@enron.com <mailto:skean@enron.com<=20 Cc: rbradley@enron.com <mailto:rbradley@enron.com<=20 Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 5:15 PM Subject: Invitation to participate in CAEM's Grid Enhancement Evaluation Pr= oject Steve Kean Enron Corp.=20 Delivered via email to: skean@enron.com <mailto:skean@enron.com<=20 =20 Dear Steve:=20 =20 I'm wearing a somewhat different hat today, that of "Adjunct Scholar" to Ke= n Malloy's Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets (CAEM). In that ca= pacity, I am directing the Center's recently announced Grid Enhancement Eva= luation Project. The full proposal is attached below as a PDF file. I've a= lso included for your records an updated resume on my qualifications to dir= ect the Project. =20 =20 You know better than any in the industry how the restructuring of the Natio= n's electricity markets and regulatory infrastructure is continuing in the = face of greater uncertainty than at any time since the oil price shocks of = the 1970s. And as one of the major participants in the business as well as= the policy debate over the future shape of the generation and transmission= industries, Enron is also well aware that a key component of any regulator= y outcome will be efforts to enhance the performance of the transmission gr= id. The purpose of CAEM's Grid Enhancement Evaluation Project is therefor= e to provide an independent assessment of the new grid debottlenecking and = flow control and management technologies to provide the public - and policy= makers - with a better understanding of how these new systems operate, what= they will cost, how they may be deployed, and, in particular, how these po= tentially disruptive technologies will "synch" with the currently evolving = regulatory framework. This effort should be especially timely in light of = the concern over the extent to which the current changes in the regulatory = framework are really being created to address problems resulting from the c= razy-quilt legacy transmission system, and may tend to institutionalize som= e aspects of those legacy systems. =20 =20 The Center is proposing to bring together a blue-ribbon panel to evaluate o= pportunities for enhancing the nation's electric transmission grid through = the use of various new technologies, including in particular solid-state po= wer electronics-based solutions ("FACTS" technologies), high voltage direct= current ("HVDC") interconnectors across "seams" in the regional grids, an= d superconducting-based technologies. The Grid Enhancement Evaluation Proj= ect is the only effort of its kind to bring together a diverse group of sen= ior executives to undertake the following: 1) Agree upon the appropriate m= ethodology; 2) Using the methodology, authorize a panel of experts to indep= endently evaluate the technologies on their state of development and curren= t commercial viability; 3) Make policy recommendations on what changes may = be required to integrate these new technologies into the existing regulator= y framework and eliminate identified barriers to commercial deployment; and= 4) Conduct an educational campaign to raise public awareness and acceptanc= e of these technologies. =20 The project will begin in the Fall of 2001 and a Final Report will be issue= d January 2002. The project is expected to have a significant impact on de= cisions made by regulators, financial analysts, utility executives, the med= ia and potential customers. Consistent with the Center's usual practice, = the Project will include public are as well as private sector participants,= and will culminate in a public report.=20 We would welcome your participation Steve, or the appropriate Enron designa= te to this effort. Perhaps I can call you in a few days, after you've had = a chance to review the attached Project description (which is about 12 page= s). As I'm currently out of the country, the best way to reach me is via e= mail at pmarston@marstonlaw.com <mailto:pmarston@marstonlaw.com< and I will= call you promptly at your convenience. =20 =20 On behalf of the Center, I thank you for considering participating in this = timely Project.=20 =20 Sincerely,=20 Philip M. Marston, Esq. Adjunct Scholar to the Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets Tel: 703-548-0154 Fax: 419-715-0905 =20 PS. I've taken the liberty of cc'ing Rob Bradley as well, given his intere= st in so many of the policy-oriented issues. And Rob, I'd appreciate your = comments on the attached paper in any event! =20