Enron Mail

Subject:CalPX Questions How to Refund to Buyers?
Date:Sun, 12 Aug 2001 15:00:16 -0700 (PDT)

Ray --

Please examine closely the attached note from the CalPX. In the letter
they appear to want some guidance on how to allocate the refunds to
buyers or they'll simply decide. This is a quote ---

d. Allocation of refunds to demand (buyers). As part of these
proceeding the method of allocation of refunds to buyers must be
addressed. CalPX proposes to use its share-fraction allocation method
to determine how to spread the refunds among its participants if there
are no specific Commission orders on how to allocate the refunds.

Please let me know the implication and if the CAISO has a similar
provision in its tariff.


< -----Original Message-----
< From: "Carmen L. Gentile" <clgentile@brudergentile.com<@ENRON
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< Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 3:57 PM
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< 'Linda.Lee@FERC.FED.US'; 'Linda.Patterson@FERC.FED.US';
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< 'randy.mcmanus@bakerbotts.com'; Alvarez, Ray;
< Marek.Smigielski@FERC.FED.US
< Subject: California REfund Master List (EL00-95)
< The attached was filed with the FERC today.
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