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Enron Mail |
Cc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, steve.montovano@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, steve.montovano@enron.com X-From: Steffes, James D. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JSTEFFE< X-To: Allegretti, Daniel </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Dallegre<, Hoatson, Tom </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Thoatson<, Novosel, Sarah </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Snovose< X-cc: Shapiro, Richard </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Rshapiro<, Montovano, Steve </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Smontova< X-bcc: X-Folder: \JSTEFFE (Non-Privileged)\Steffes, James D.\Sent Items X-Origin: Steffes-J X-FileName: JSTEFFE (Non-Privileged).pst Good news or bad news? My quick read is that FERC looks like it is trying to end the obligation but is waiting for an industry solution. What is New Power saying? Jim -----Original Message----- From: "Michael Reddy" <Mreddy@epsa.org<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Michael+20Reddy+22+20+3CMreddy+40epsa+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 8:42 AM To: acomnes@enron.com; Hawkins, Bernadette; Nersesian, Carin; Nicolay, Christi L.; Fulton, Donna; Scheuer, Janelle; jhartso@enron.com; Shelk, John; Jsteffe@enron.com; Noske, Linda J.; Robertson, Linda; Alvarez, Ray; Shapiro, Richard; Novosel, Sarah; Mara, Susan; Lindberg, Susan; Hoatson, Tom Subject: Attached is Order issued by FERC on Tuesday accepting ISO-NE's proposal to impose ICAP deficiency ch Attached is Order issued by FERC on Tuesday accepting ISO-NE's proposal to impose ICAP deficiency charge of $4.87/kW-month. - EL00-62.00S[1].doc