Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Docket No. 24468 from Rick Guzman
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 12:23:04 -0700 (PDT)

Pls put in SWEPCO file.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Marianne Carroll" <mcarroll@texas.net<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 2:20 PM
To: Steffes, James D.
Subject: FW: Docket No. 24468 from Rick Guzman

FYI. Cities' response to the AEP settlement offer I forwarded earlier.

-----Original Message-----
From: JFarrin773@aol.com [mailto:JFarrin773@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:00 PM
To: rkford@aep.com
Cc: aaljabir@consultbai.com; bradford@txu.com; bspears1@txu.com; creeder@texas.net; dgross@texas.net; dpedersen@bbraustin.com; ed.marlorits@airliquide.com; ferris@opc.state.tx.us; frodriguez@bbraustin.com; GCpower@aol.com; griffin@lonestarsteel.com; jpollock@consultbai.com; jssolomon@aep.com; karl.scheuermann@cleco.com; kbond@bickerstaff.com; kjpaffe@aep.com; lduci@earthlink.net; liebmand@haynesboone.com; lmendiola@mdck.com; mark.bruce_hc@house.state.tx.us; mark.macdonald@cleco.com; mdavis@bbrasutin.com; melewis@aep.com; mramirez@lglawfirm.com; ncarroll@tlsc.org; nnease@bbraustin.com; reeves@lonestarsteel.com; rvanmiddlesworth@mdck.com; sbertin@newpower.com; Stephen_L._Madden@oxy.com
Subject: Docket No. 24468 from Rick Guzman
Attached is a file with the Cities' changes to teh AEP 10-03 discussion document. The attached document does not represent an offer of settlement by Cites but is provided in order to continue the dialogue in this proceeding. Cities also reserve the right to suggest changes to the discussion document upon further review.
Due to technical difficulties do not reply to this email, please use rguzman@jimboylelaw for any replies.
- 24468 Settlement 10-3-with Cities changes.doc
- 24468 Settlement 10-3-with Cities changes.doc