Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Letters -- Jamie Wimberly
Date:Thu, 23 Aug 2001 06:05:12 -0700 (PDT)

John --

Look at the letter from CAEM below. They want us to sign on. Not sure that Enron adding its name is the best idea. Also, are the sections listed the right ones? Maybe we can change this without our name.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Jamie Wimberly" <Benjamin.Wimberly@Verizon.net<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Jamie+20Wimberly+22+20+3CBenjamin+2EWimberly+40Verizon+2Enet+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 2:09 PM
To: kmalloy@caem.org; 'Ed & Joan Reid'; Nattreadway@aol.com; philip_sharp@harvard.edu; 'Marston, Philip'; 'Beverly E. Jones'; 'Mark Fallek'; 'David South'; 'Agresta, Steven'; awrisle@ppco.com; 'Oneill, Karen'; kmagruder@newpower.com; 'Brown, Scott'; 'Ernest J.Moniz'; peter.esposito@dynegy.com; Steffes, James D.; Frank, Robert; 'Cody Graves'; wpenniman@sablaw.com; 'Kent Van Liere'; 'Rowe, Bob'; sneitzel@mge.com; tcasten@americaspowerpartners.com; bterzic@dttus.com; lwbickle@hvllc.com; jstrom@hvllc.com; tim.thuston@williams.com
Subject: Letters -- Jamie Wimberly

FYI. Please find attached a letter to the editor that I submitted today
to the Washington Post on their three-part series on electricity
restructuring. While the series was informative and pointed to some
serious problems, I thought it was too doom and gloom. I would be
interested to hear your comments on the attached.

We need to do a better job at telling the positive side of the story on

I also have attached the letter that the Leadership Council on Energy
Competition will be sending to the President shortly. Over 50 leaders
have already made a commitment to sign. If you have not done so
already, please "sign it" by sending an e-mail to me with your current
title and contact information. As you can see in the letter,
individuals with organizational affiliations -- but not necessarily the
organizations themselves -- are signing onto the letter.


Jamie Wimberly

- Washington Post Letter.doc
- Letter To The President -- FINAL DRAFT.doc