Enron Mail

To:edwin.essandoh@enron.com, michelle.maynard@enron.com, dale.furrow@enron.com
Subject:FW: PECO physical customers, Rejection and DeDASR
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 10:07:01 -0800 (PST)

Ed is drafting the letter and coordinating with Michelle.

-----Original Message-----
From: Furrow, Dale
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 11:00 AM
To: Herod, Brenda F.; Steffes, James D.; Maynard, Michelle; Hughes, Evan; Cross, Edith; Aucoin, Berney C.
Subject: PECO physical customers, Rejection and DeDASR

To confirm earlier conversations and associated action items with respect to PECO Physical Customers (listed below on spreadsheet):

(1) W/ Brenda: Rejection lists for PJM currently include Cheltenham (Simon) and Lehigh Valley Dairies (Suiza). These will be pulled from the PJM list. Suiza is already accounted for on the GNO reject list, Simon is currently not on the reject list (status is pending).
(2) Jim Steffes: On point for letter to PECO to indicate that we would not object to placing these 15 sites on bundled POLR service.
(3) Michelle: Has confirmed that DeDASR action for contracts not on reject list (Simon and Macerich) will not affect rights under contract (this would merely represent exercise of EES supply option).
(4) Next Step: Evan-since all of the contracts here are either on reject list, or are associated with Simon/Macerich (which will not be affected by D-DASR action) we need to initiate DeDASR activities for all 15 sites immediately after our motion to reject the first batch of contracts is filed.


Berney & Dale,

The attached spreadsheet indicates the fifteen (15) accounts in the PJM Control Area that EESI currently delivers physical power to. The fifteen (15) accounts are all behind PECO Energy Company. Most of the contracts were "commodity only" deals that have expired, with the exception of American College which expires 01/31/2002.

The other accounts are behind bundled outsource deals (i) Simon Properties (Cheltenham Shopping & SDG Macerich Properties) and (ii) Suiza Foods (Lehigh Valley Dairies) and (iii) Prudential Insurance Companies.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Herod, Brenda F.
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:28 PM
To: Breese, Mark; Cross, Edith; Furrow, Dale; Aucoin, Berney C. ; Maynard, Michelle; Sharp, Vicki
Cc: Darmitzel, Paul; Dietrich, Janet; Apollo, Beth; O'Neil, Murray P.; McMichael Jr., Ed; Black, Don; Herndon, Rogers; Smith, Mike D.


1. GAS - All sales customers have been reviewed, and we believe the list is ready to go, pending a final review by Janet and Don. All has been transmitted (copy attached) to Marshall Turner. We are still lacking any SUPPLY contracts that need to be rejected, but should have it in the morning.

2. POWER - All sales customers except for 6 have been identified. We have transmitted (copy attached) all information with the exception of these 6 to Marshall Turner. We work tomorrow on resolving the 6, and will provide the data to Marshall at that time. Of course, these schedules are subject to a final review by Janet and Rogers.

3. NON-STANDARD DEALS - I do not have an update from last night, and per Marshall Turner, he has not received any additional schedules from Michelle since yesterday (Mondy, 12/17). What is the status of this filing?

As a reminder, I need the current support from each group for the analysis and reason for rejection. As we agreed in the meeting this morning, Janet has asked that I be on point for gathering and retaining this. Please forward me your matrices that suppor this rejection filing.

Janet: As Outlook was down most of today, I don't think anyone was able to get you the Power matrix. I do not have the most current one, but I have attached the one as of last Friday to provide you the format.

Per discussion with Marshall this evening, the motion is being reviewed internally at Weil, Gotshal, and he will keep us posted tomorrow on filing status.

Let me know if you have any questions.


<< File: PowerRejection_ComEd_121801.xls << << File: PowerRejection_PJM_121801.xls << << File: Gas Customer Rejection List 12-18-01.xls << << File: Termination Matrix.xls <<