Enron Mail

To:ray.alvarez@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com
Subject:FW: Proposal re CalPX Methodologies
Date:Tue, 21 Aug 2001 06:57:26 -0700 (PDT)

Ray --

Let's discuss on today's Refund call. =20


-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Howard J. Weg" <hweg@pgwlaw.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Howa=
Sent:=09Monday, August 20, 2001 10:35 PM
To:=09'Howard Shapiro'; jdwatkiss@aol.com; david.meyer@avistacorp.com; nola=
n.steiner@avistacorp.com; rich.stevens@avistacorp.com; dvermillion@avistaen=
ergy.com; asettanni@bracepatt.com; dwatkiss@bracepatt.com; kcurry@bracepatt=
.com; rcarroll@bracepatt.com; GFergus@brobeck.com; andrzej_kabarowski@cargi=
ll.com; phillip_fantle@cargill.com; psteele@coral-energy.com; rreilley@cora=
l-energy.com; ray.alvarez@ei.enron.com; cyoder@enron.com; jhartso@enron.com=
; jsteffe@enron.com; Tribolet, Michael; Alvarez, Ray; Sanders, Richard B.; =
rsanders@enron.com; smara@enron.com; Ebiery@fulbright.com; fyanney@fulbrigh=
t.com; tfreiberg@fulbright.com; jfrizzell@gibbs-bruns.com; sbishop@gibbs-br=
.COM; JRNELSON@LLGM.COM; GErspamer@mofo.com; KIrvin@mofo.com; KZeitlin@mofo=
.com; PMar@mofo.com; RLoeffler@mofo.com; jmcgrane@morganlewis.com; mgriffen=
@morganlewis.com; hydeefeldstein@paulhastings.com; jenniferbaldochi@paulhas=
tings.com; Timothy.Bolden@pinnaclewest.com; dmperlman@powersrc.com; rosteen=
@powersrc.com; hao@quinnemanuel.com; wdsmith@sempra.com; rbeitler@sempratra=
ding.com; PARAMFJORD@stoel.com; rcjosephson@stoel.com; SJKAPLAN@stoel.com; =
awells@strook.com; ayudkowsky@strook.com; 'Cheryl Feik Ryan'; 'Gary Bachman=
'; 'Julie Richardson'
Subject:=09RE: Proposal re CalPX Methodologies

It seems to me that FERC's July 25 Order required Judge Birchman to make
findings about the exact amounts owed by each buyer to each seller. The
proposal to establish methodologies does exactly that, among other things.
Therefore, it seems to me that it needs to be part of the the pending
California proceedings.

That is not to say, however, that it should not also be part of the
Chargeback proceedings under the April 6 FERC order. It should also be
applicable to those proceedings.

Therefore, we need to develop a strategy to make it part of both
proceedings. Timing is obviously critical, and I am soliciting the
Chargeback movants' views on that subject along with the substance of the
proposal. I would like to point out that I have learned from the settlemen=
proceedings before Judge Wagner that we must submit the proposal early in
the proceedings to ensure that they are considered and can have an impact.

I sent an email to Ron Carroll letting him know that I am available for a
conference call at the following times:

Weds Aug 22 after 11 am Pacific time,
Thurs Aug 23 prior to 1 pm Pacific time,
Fri Aug 24 anytime except 1130 am to 2 pm Pacific time

Please let me know when we can discuss this further. Thanks for your help.