Enron Mail

Subject:FW: REVISED EIA Alternate Electric Power Data ConfidentialityPolicy
Date:Tue, 28 Aug 2001 08:15:38 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. Please coordinate going forward with EPSA.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Samantha Slater" <SSLATER@epsa.org<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Samantha+20Slater+22+20+3CSSLATER+40epsa+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 10:03 AM
To: jconnelly@calpine.com; breilley@coral-energy.com; lebarrett@duke-energy.com; john.j.stauffacher@dynegy.com; steve.dalhoff@dynegy.com; Jenni.Barr@ElPaso.com; jsteffe@enron.com; pschaub@entergy.com; jtsheehan@mediaone.net; susann.felton@mirant.com; CParnell@MWGen.com; don.beckham@neg.pge.com; melissa.lavinson@neg.pge.com; joe.isabella@nrgenergy.com; greg.towstego@opg.com; Kristen.Ludecke@pseg.com; lvollmer@pwrteam.com; chajovsky@reliant.com; dacrabtree@tecoenergy.com; jlsena@tecoenergy.com; gkunkel@TENASKA.com; jmartin@TENASKA.com
Cc: Jackie Gallagher
Subject: REVISED EIA Alternate Electric Power Data Confidentiality Policy

Last week, EPSA met with EIA to discuss a revised Alternate Electric Power Data Confidentiality Policy proposal. The following are EIA's changes to the original Alternate Policy proposal circulated by EPSA on August 2.

The following items would be held confidential:

EIA - 423: cost of fuels (not previously collected by EIA)
Purchase price would also still be held confidential, as noted on the original Alternate Policy. EIA-423 basically duplicates FERC Form 423.

EIA-906: fuel stocks (currently held confidential)
Stocks was originally "crossed out" on the Alternate Policy, but it is now back on the list of data items to be held confidential.

EIA-826: energy service provider data on sales, revenues and number of customers
Under the original Alternate Policy, regulated utilities and wires companies would have also been able to keep this same information confidential. Now it will only be data submitted by ESPs that will be held confidential. However, please note that EIA-861 collects this same data from ESPs and that data will be released on an annual basis.

EIA-767: Under the revised Alternate Policy, no data submitted on the 767 will be held confidential
This is a change from the original Alternate Policy. The original Alternate Policy includes estimated useful thermal output, plant financial information, cooling system costs, etc. as data to be held confidential. The data will now be released 12 months after year-end.

EIA-860: Maximum tested heat rate (currently confidential)
No change from original Alternate Policy.

EIA-861: No data submitted on the 861 will be held confidential
No change from original Alternate Policy.

EIA-411: No data submitted on the 411 will be held confidential.
No change from original Alternate Policy.

EIA-412: Generator plant costs and expense data only for unregulated plants (not previously collected by EIA)
No change from original Alternate Policy.

I've attached a copy of the original Alternate Policy in case you need it.

Please forward any comments on these changes to me no later than noon Eastern Time on Friday, August 31.

EIA anticipates a Federal Register Notice on or around September 7. There will then be a 30-day comment period on the proposal submitted by EIA to OMB. We will notify you when the Federal Register Notice is issued.

Mary Hutzler, Acting Administrator at EIA, has expressed an interest in meeting with EPSA and its members to further discuss these issues. If there is an interest in EPSA arranging a meeting for members in Washington, D.C. during the next few weeks, please let me know as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks again for all of your help!


Samantha M. Slater
Manager of State & Regional Affairs
Electric Power Supply Association
1401 New York Avenue, N.W.
11th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 202-628-8200
Fax: 202-628-8260
E-mail: sslater@epsa.org

- Confidentiality.doc