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Enron Mail |
-----Original Message----- From: Allen, Mark Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:29 PM To: Mann, Michael; Blachman, Jeremy; Steffes, James D. Cc: smara@enron.com; Moore, Michael Subject: Raytheon Status/CMTA/Line of Thinking 1) I received E-mail that they may talk tonite about their right to to terminate, but the intention given no news was to continue forward "90% probability" 2) Ed Munoz, Raytheon Reg Affairs, stated yesterday that his sources believed yesterday that if the PUC acted today, 9/15 would have been the date 3) While on the phone with me, Jennifer Stone (attorney) received an e-mail from CMTA's Dorothy Rothrock (please see below, lists major CMTA members being fed the CMTA Line) regarding expected CPUC & Legislative actions 4) Facility Mgmt view is that "state/DWR fuel costs could escalate if military actions occur and that Enron contract is a hedge to this volatility" 5) Raytheon has been notified we are not forwarding the Petition just Yet, "fine" I would feel better sending it in next week directly to Raytheon VP Legal after polish 6) Several of the Team members of Raytheon will be out tomorrow & next week, I doubt a week extension would give them much more comfort, but would probably be a nice to have. 7) Attorneys are still concerned about exit fees even if date is 9/1 or beyond, but they knew this throughout our contract negotiations and expect fees to not exceed savings ---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Allen/HOU/EES on 09/13/2001 04:06 PM --------------------------- From: Jennifer Stone <Jennifer_Stone@west.raytheon.com< on 09/13/2001 03:32 PM To: MAllen5@enron.com@SMTP@enronXgate cc: Subject: CMTA Energy: Leg Update from Dorothy Sorry - Idid forget to do this before I went to lunch. My head is cluttered today! Jennifer L. Stone, Esq. Legal Department Raytheon Company - Electronic Systems EO/E1/E125 2000 E. El Segundo Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 E-mail: jennifer_stone@west.raytheon.com Phone: (310) 647-1025 Fax: (310) 647-1026 ----- Forwarded by Jennifer Stone/RWS/Raytheon/US on 09/13/01 01:33 PM ----- Pam Ross <pross@cmta.n To: Al Shiroma <Allen.shiroma@conexant.com<, et< Alan Amrhein <amrhein@ppg.com<, Alan Harkins <Alan.Harkins@trw.com<, Armando Martinez 09/13/01 <armando.martinez@boeing.com<, Bert Chai 11:50 AM <bert_chai@baxter.com<, Brent Last Please <BJLast@scj.com<, Brian Hildreth respond to <hildrbr1@mail.northgrum.com<, Bryan Campanaro pross <bcampana@kcc.com<, Cameron Raether <paccoast@mctcnet.net<, "Carl J. Nordquist" <carl.j.nordquist@boeing.com<, Carolyn Kehrein <cmkehrein@ems-ca.com<, Celeste Signorino <Celeste.signorino@conexant.com<, Cheryl Talley <ctalley@sierrapine.com<, Chip Brewer <FHBrewer@scj.com<, Chuck Halnan <chalnan@ns.net<, Chuck Rogalske <CGRogals@scj.com<, Dan Green <dgreen@ppg.com<, Daniel Steen <daniel.steen@owens-ill.com<, Daniel Torres <dtorres@tor.moog.com<, David Mills <david.m.mills@honeywell.com<, Delette Speelmon <dspeelmon@cmta.net<, "Denis St. Jean" <dstjean@tosco.com<, Dorothy Rothrock <drothrock@cmta.net<, Doug Evans <devans@smurfit.com<, Ed Barbone <ebarbone@tor.moog.com<, Ed Munoz <emunoz@west.raytheon.com<, Elise Rhodes <rhodese@baxter.com<, Eric Wong <erwong@worldnet.att.net<, Fred Mazurski <fmazurski@usg.com<, Gary Nash <gnash@cmta.net<, Gary Rafferty <gary.l.rafferty@boeing.com<, Gene Hill <ghill@kcc.com<, Glenn Sheeren <gsheere2@iccnet.com<, Jack Stewart <jstewart@cmta.net<, Jennifer Stone <Jennifer_Stone@west.raytheon.com<, Jim Cottier <cottierj@jm.com<, Jim Wikenczy <Jim_Wikenczy@mail.tmmna.com<, Jim Wikenczy <JWikenczy@aol.com<, Joanne Horalek <jhoralek@smurfit.com<, John Ewing <jewing@smurfit.com<, John Hedges <clorraine@hrtextron.textron.com<, John Hunter <jmhhr@earthlink.net<, John Norris <John.L.Norris@boeing.com<, "Karen (Personal) Jarrel" <kjarrell@pacbell.net<, Karen Jarrell <kjarrell@smurfit.com<, Karen Lindh <karen@klindh.com<, Keith McCrea <kmccrea@sablaw.com<, Kelley McKenzie <kmckenzie@nummi.com<, Ken Larson <ken_larson@hp.com<, Kerry Servas <kservas@cmta.net<, Ky Kennedy <kkennedy@usg.com<, Leo Radkowski <radkowsk@jm.com<, Loretta Macktal <lmacktal@cmta.net<, Lynn Guest <lguest@us.ibm.com<, Mark Mithers <mithema@mail.northgrum.com<, Michael Crowley <michael_crowley@hp.com<, Michael Jackson <michael.g.jackson2@boeing.com<, Mike Colwell <mcolwell@usg.com<, Mike Reid <mreid@hrtextron.textron.com<, Mike Rowen <mrowen@tor.moog.com<, "Miles (Home) Keefe" <gtsntni@aol.com<, Miles Keefe <emkeefe@west.raytheon.com<, Mukesh Khattar <mukesh.khattar@oracle.com<, Noel Brown <noel.e.brown@saint-gobain.com<, Pam Ross <pross@camfg.com<, Peter Lennon <plennon@kcc.com<, Randy Smith <rwsmith@us.oracle.com<, Richard Bluth <Richard.bluth@conexant.com<, Richard Hall <richard.c.hall@intel.com<, Richard Murawski <richard_murawski@baxter.com<, Robert Fleming <donadio@jps.net<, Roger Riffey <roger.riffey@riotinto.com<, Roland Buchs <BUCHS@nachem.com<, Russell Boston <reboston@ppg.com<, "Ryan N. Rietzel" <rietzrn@bp.com<, Scott Potterack <Scott.Potterack@owens-ill.com<, Stacy Roscoe <roscoesa@pg.com<, Steve Bloch <steven.bloch@honeywell.com<, Steve LaFond <steven.e.lafond@boeing.com<, Steve Watson <swatson@sgcontainers.com<, Susan Stark <starksr1@bp.com<, Tim Treichelt <tntreich@gapac.com<, Tom Barrington <tom_barrington@hp.com<, Tony Fisher <arfisherphd@aol.com< cc: LaJuneBush@aol.com Subject: CMTA Energy: Leg Update from Dorothy TO: CMTA Energy Committee FROM: Dorothy Rothrock SUBJECT: Legislative Update As of this morning, we have not seen language from the Senate to replace the SBX2 78 that passed out of the Assembly last week. Rumors are that the elements of SBX2 78 will be broken apart into separate bills, put into Assembly bills now in the Senate, and sent over to the Assembly for concurrence today or tomorrow. There will probably be a hearing in Senate Energy this afternoon on the issues. We have been working to gain bipartisan support for direct access, assuming that it will be pulled from the MOU and run as a separate bill, if at all. It is likely that direct access as a stand alone issue does not have the votes because of concerns about small customer opposition and a big business "jail break." Our only chance is a coalition of Republicans and moderate Democrats that requires the CPUC to suspend direct access, letting customers currently on direct access maintain (and renew) their contracts, and hopefully preserving the right for future direct access without fees if there is net short. Given the short time we have left, and that we have no leverage if the issue is separate from the SCE MOU, I fear this is a long shot. In the absence of legislation to overturn ABX1 1, the CPUC will probably suspend direct access later this month. The proposed decision would leave open "the effect to be given to contracts signed before today, including renewals of such contracts" to a later decision. (Draft proposed decision issued September 6, 2001, not yet acted upon.) The other information at this time is that the Senate will propose MOU language similar to what originally went over to the assembly in SBX2 78 - a cut-off for paying SCE debt of greater than 20kw (probably 100kw and over) and no direct access. SCE has previously stated that this is insufficient to allow them to issue bonds, thus no creditors could be paid and bankruptcy would follow. CMTA will oppose an MOU bill that proposes a disproportionate spread of the debt without any counterbalancing value to us such as direct access. Another piece of this puzzle is the Renewable Portfolio Standard (SB 532) that was attached to the SBX2 78 in order to gain some Democrat support in the Assembly. SB 532 bill got stuck in assembly U&C, but will come over from the Senate in another bill. CMTA worked to get some improvements in this bill, including a procedure that could lower the cost cap from 1.5 cents and in exchange withdrew opposition. We are NOT in support. My guess is that this bill could pass in the Assembly, and I wanted to make it "better." The other business groups have not yet determined their positions. I will call Pam with updates to share with you in the next few days.