Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Renewable Orig/Trading Opportunities Mtg
Date:Sun, 12 Aug 2001 15:32:38 -0700 (PDT)

Please put on my calendar if possible. Probably can only go for 1.5 hours.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Bolton, Stacey =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 09, 2001 11:50 AM
To:=09Jacoby, Ben; Baughman, Edward D.; Llodra, John; Kroll, Heather; Tingl=
eaf, Drew; Meyn, Jim; Presto, Kevin M.; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Davis, Dana; Ca=
rson, Mike; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Herndon, Rogers; Ring, Richard; Will, Lloy=
d; Massey II, John; Woods, Trevor; Ader, Jeff; Bernstein, Mark; Hammond, Pe=
arce; Brown, Michael; Bernstein, Eitan; Tefel, Maria; Mitchell, Heather; Bl=
achman, Jeremy; Lewis, James; Gustafson, Ken; Holmes, Sean; Palmer, Mark A.=
(PR); Steffes, James D.; Terraso, Michael; Curry, Mike; Payne, Michael; Be=
nevides, Dennis; 'george.woods@enron.com'; Thome, Jennifer; Quigley, Kay; B=
adger, Dan; Roberts, Dave
Cc:=09Duran, W. David; Kean, Steven J.; Keeler, Jeffrey; Schoen, Mary; Jaco=
bson, Lisa; Belden, Tim; Calger, Christopher F.; Mainzer, Elliot
Subject:=09FW: Renewable Orig/Trading Opportunities Mtg

All -=20

Elliot and I have scheduled EB 8C1 for the meeting next Thursday, August 16=
th (12-3pm CDT) to discuss green origination and trading opportunities. I=
f you are dialing in to the meeting, the domestic number is: 800-991-9019, =
and the international number is: 847-619-8039. The passcode is the same if=
you are calling in or out of the US: 7210392#. Attached below is the agen=
da with the details. Please let Elliot or me know if you have any question=

Stacey Bolton
Environmental Strategies
Enron Corp
713-853-9916 direct=20
713-303-2632 cell=20
sbolton@enron.com <mailto:sbolton@enron.com<
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Bolton, Stacey =20
Sent:=09Saturday, July 28, 2001 2:47 PM
To:=09Jacoby, Ben; Baughman, Edward D.; Llodra, John; Kroll, Heather; Tingl=
eaf, Drew; Meyn, Jim; Presto, Kevin M.; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Davis, Dana; Ca=
rson, Mike; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Herndon, Rogers; Ring, Richard; Will, Lloy=
d; Massey II, John; Woods, Trevor; Ader, Jeff; Bernstein, Mark; Hammond, Pe=
arce; Brown, Michael; Bernstein, Eitan; Tefel, Maria; Mitchell, Heather; Bl=
achman, Jeremy; Lewis, James; Gustafson, Ken; Holmes, Sean; Palmer, Mark A.=
(PR); Steffes, James D.; Terraso, Michael; Curry, Mike; Payne, Michael
Cc:=09Duran, W. David; Kean, Steven J.; Keeler, Jeffrey; Schoen, Mary; Jaco=
bson, Lisa; Roberts, Dave; Belden, Tim; Calger, Christopher F.; Mainzer, El=
Subject:=09Renewable Orig/Trading Opportunities Mtg

All -=20

Please see the below invitation from Elliot Mainzer. We are working togeth=
er to establish an internal Enron Renewable Network to capitalize on commer=
cial opportunities in the renewable power sector. =20

Stacey Bolton
Environmental Strategies
Enron Corp
713-853-9916 direct=20
713-303-2632 cell=20
sbolton@enron.com <mailto:sbolton@enron.com<

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Mainzer, Elliot =20
Sent:=09Friday, July 20, 2001 5:24 PM
To:=09Bolton, Stacey

I'm writing to invite you to a meeting on August 16 to discuss origination =
and trading opportunities in the renewable power sector. On April 1, we est=
ablished the Renewable Power Desk under the umbrella of West Power Trading =
and West Origination here in Portland. The Desk was established to apply En=
ron's power marketing and development expertise to the growing market for g=
reen power in the WSCC. Within 6 weeks we closed our first deal (a five yea=
r fixed-price sale of energy and renewable energy credits worth several mil=
lion dollars) and I am very excited about the opportunities in this market =
nationwide. I've spent a lot of time during the last several months establi=
shing contacts with the key developers and marketers in the renewable power=
market, and Stacey Bolton of Enron's Environmental Strategies Group has ga=
rnered a very solid understanding of the regulatory environment and supply/=
demand dynamics in markets across the country. When you combine Enron's ski=
lls in the wholesale market with our huge customer base at EES and the incr=
easing level of green power committments in the public and private sectors,=
it becomes readily apparent that Enron is poised to be a major player and =
market-maker in the renewable power sector.

I would like to meet with you and other representatives of Enron's trading =
and origination groups on Thursday, August 16 from 12-3 to discuss a coordi=
nated commercial response to the renewable power market on a nationwide bas=
is. Lunch will be served. Please let Stacey or me know ASAP if you or a de=
signate from your group will be able to attend. We will contact you with a=
follow-up call/e-mail the week of August 6th with a room location and agen=
da, and hope you will be able to attend.

Best wishes,


Elliot Mainzer
Renewable Power Desk
Enron North America
121 SW Salmon St.
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 464-3706
(503) 464-3740 (FX)
(503) 709-6959 (CL)