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Enron Mail |
Lisa --
I don't have any funds for this. Sorry. Jim -----Original Message----- From: Jacobson, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:01 AM To: Terraso, Michael; Roberts, Dave; Robertson, Linda; Steffes, James D. Cc: Cooney, Carolyn; Mitchell, Heather; Heather Mitchell (E-mail); Keeler, Jeff Subject: ASE Dinner -- Enron Vice Chair Request.... Importance: High Mike, Linda, Dave and Jim, We received a request from the Alliance to Save Energy (www.ase.org) for Enron to be a Vice Chair of the annual dinner on October 24, 2001 in DC. -- Enron is a member (Associate) of ASE -- Enron has been a Vice Chair for the previous 9 years -- The letter of invitation was sent to Ken Lay on July 3, 2001. -- The Vice Chair level is 10 K and covers the cost of a table. -- This year's award recipients are Gov. Pataki (R-NY) and the ESCO Industry - Enron would be eligible to receive the award as part of the industry group at the dinner. -- Senators Bingaman and Jeffords and Rep. Boehlert are expected to give out the awards. Invitations are going to print first thing tomorrow morning and will list the Vice Chairs to date -- but we can commit to the Vice Chair level after the print deadline and we will be recognized at the event. -- There is also an opportunity for Enron to speak at their Associate's policy seminar on Oct. 25, Energy Secretary Abraham has been invited to be the keynote speaker at the seminar. Please let me know if you would be willing to pay for, our contribute to, the cost of the table/Vice Chair level. Please see the invite below. Thanks and I apologize for the short notice. -Lisa -----Original Message----- From: LCordes@ase.org [mailto:LCordes@ase.org] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 5:46 PM To: jacobson@enron.com Subject: FW: Enron Vice Chair.doc Importance: High < < July 3, 2001 < < < Dr. Kenneth L. Lay < Chairman < Enron < P.O. Box 1188 < Houston, TX 77251-1188 < < Dear Ken: < < On behalf of the Alliance to Save Energy, we invite you to become a Vice < Chair of the 2001 Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency reception < and dinner to be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 from six until ten in < the evening in Washington, DC. We are extremely pleased this year to < honor: < < * The Honorable George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York < - Charles H. Percy Award for Public Service for the Governor's strong < support and promotion of energy efficiency. He has personally championed < the purchase of Energy Star products and created one of the largest public < benefit funds for energy efficiency programs in the nation. < < * The ESCo Industry - Star of Energy Efficiency Award for its < collective success in bringing performance-based energy efficiency < contracting to energy consumers worldwide. < < * Howard S. Geller, Former Executive Director of the American Council < for an Energy Efficient Economy - Star of Energy Efficiency Award for his < twenty years of leadership at ACEEE. < < The benefits of becoming a Vice Chair include: < < * A table for you and nine guests at the Awards Dinner; < * Invitation to our private VIP reception prior to the dinner; < * Participation at the following day's Energy Efficiency Policy Summit < (details to follow); and < * Prominent mention of your company on programs and invitations. < < With energy problems and energy efficiency opportunities at the forefront < of our nation's agenda, the Alliance deserves your support more than ever. < It is < < < unique in that it is our nation's only bipartisan, nonprofit organization < that allows business executives to join with government, environmental and < consumer leaders to promote energy efficiency. By becoming a Vice Chair, < you will honor those who have made outstanding contributions to energy < efficiency, and support the Alliance's efforts to ensure that energy < efficiency remains a key element of our national energy strategy. A < $10,000 contribution is required for a Vice Chair designation. < < This event will be a wonderful opportunity to meet members of the energy < community. We expect an audience of over 300, including members of < Congress, CEOs, White House and other Bush Administration officials, as < well as staff from federal agencies, and the press. < < We hope you will show your dedication and support for the Alliance's < energy efficiency programs by joining us for this stellar evening with < America's business and government leaders dedicated to promoting energy < efficiency. Should you have questions, please call Leslie Cordes, Director < of Corporate and Program Development at (202) 530-2211. < < Thank you for your consideration. < < Sincerely, < < < < < Jeff Bingaman Dean T. < Langford < Chairman, Alliance to Save Energy Co-Chair, Alliance to < Save Energy < United States Senator President < OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. <