Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Ada Plant Negotiation
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:22:16 -0700 (PDT)

Roy --

Do we need to run a more thorough legal analysis to check? I trust your th=
oughts. I just don't want to be left hanging. I'd rather spend $2500 now =
than have this come back and bite us in the $%*@.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Boston, Roy =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 22, 2001 3:01 PM
To:=09Munoz, Victor
Cc:=09Migden, Janine; jsteffe@enron.com
Subject:=09Ada Plant Negotiation

Victor -- This is just a brief note to memorialize our earlier conversation=
today. You had asked me whether there were any regulatory impediments to =
Enron renegotiating the Ada contract with Consumers so as to increase the v=
alue of the deal to our mutual benefit. Specifically, you inquired whether=
changing the PPA to permit us to source the power used to comply with tour=
obligations under the contract from the market. The changes you recommend=
to make to the PPA would not change the rate paid by Consumers but rather,=
the sourcing requirement.=20

=09 My preliminary assessment is that such PPA changes would not need to be=
filed for approval at the PSC.

I have several reasons why the above mentioned changes would likely not hav=
e to be approved by the Commission. First, rate increases must be subject=
to hearings and approval by the Commission. Consumers has a frozen purcha=
sed power/fuel adjustment clause and any changes in its contracts could not=
be passed on to customers during the term for which that rate is frozen. S=
ince the rate could not increase, there would be no chance to pass through =
to customers a rate increase hence, no requirement to seek approval. Moreo=
ver, after Consumers' fuel/purchased power adjustment clause is reinstated=
, we could reneotiate the contract downwards and pass on a small savings (a=
gain, a rate decrease)to customers and we and Consumers could split the lio=
n's share of the savings revenue. Lastly, but more significantly, the Mich=
igan law that pertains to utilities recovering QF costs through rates only =
provides authority to the Commission to review PPA changes if the costs for=
power and energy increase. Our proposed changes are not likely to be deem=
ed to be a rate increase. Generally an unchanged rate for a service with a=
declining quality of service ( e.g., a firm transport service changed to a=
n interruptible service at the same rate)could be construed as a rate incre=
ase thus triggering the Commission's authority. Our proposal is quite diff=
erent from that instance because, as I understand it, the change we propose=
would only affect our power sourcing ability and that Consumers would rema=
in able to call on the Ada unit's capacity at all times if needed. If chan=
ged as described, Consumers will receive the full quality and quantity of s=
ervice for which it contracted under the PPA so its rights seem undisturbed=
. The only change we seek is for Enron to have an option for power sourcin=
g, which should be "invisible" to Consumers -- except for the check we pro=
vide them as inducement.

I look forward to meeting with you Friday of this week to discuss this matt=
er more fully.