Enron Mail

To:dave.perrino@enron.com, ray.alvarez@enron.com
Subject:RE: Bracewell conversation
Date:Fri, 2 Nov 2001 11:34:49 -0800 (PST)

yes. just info. may help to have Sue Landwehr on call to hear your thoughts.


-----Original Message-----
From: Perrino, Dave
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 11:02 AM
To: Steffes, James D.; Alvarez, Ray
Subject: Bracewell conversation


FYI, Ray and I spoke to Ron Carroll today about setting up a brief conference call with Gov Rasacot (sp?) to share with him some points about WestConnect and the fact that it is NOT the savior of the West Wide RTO.

Ron will be trying to set up a call. Ron was wondering what or how we wanted Gov R. to handle the information. Both Ray and I felt it was more to give him our perspective so when he was party to discussions relating to WestConnect he would be prepared to refute some of the claims. Ray and I were both assuming that we were not proposing to have the Gov lobby on our behalf...is that accurate?

I will keep you informed of any other conversations relating to this matter.

Kind Regards,
