Enron Mail

To:l..nicolay@enron.com, janel.guerrero@enron.com, alan.comnes@enron.com,dave.perrino@enron.com, steve.walton@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com
Subject:RE: CN comments on well designed RTO
Date:Thu, 8 Nov 2001 10:25:19 -0800 (PST)

I think that Christi's write up is great. I've only changed two things. If anyone has any more changes, please get to Janel ASAP.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolay, Christi L.
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 11:56 AM
To: Guerrero, Janel; Steffes, James D.; Comnes, Alan; Perrino, Dave; Walton, Steve; Novosel, Sarah
Subject: CN comments on well designed RTO

<< File: Well-design RTO 11601.doc << includes my redlined comments