Enron Mail

To:nancy.hetrick@enron.com, charles.yeung@enron.com, harry.kingerski@enron.com,l..nicolay@enron.com, w..cantrell@enron.com, john.shelk@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com
Subject:RE: EISB and Enron
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 08:56:11 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the update. It is disappointing that AGA is not opening the pro=
cess, although the final EISB Retail Gas standards will need to be vetted b=
y an ANSI group so we'll get our comments in one way or the other.

Also, what are we doing to get the different states to adopt these protocol=
s across the board? Seems like pushing NARUC to agree that this is the rig=
ht vehicle makes sense. =20



-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hetrick, Nancy =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 22, 2001 10:49 AM
To:=09Steffes, James D.; Yeung, Charles; Kingerski, Harry; Nicolay, Christi=
L.; Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Shelk, John; Novosel, Sarah
Cc:=09Shapiro, Richard
Subject:=09RE: EISB and Enron

Our UBP group met for two days last week in St. Louis, along with GISB and =
AGA reps. UBP is definitely on board with creating the retail electric qua=
drant of an EISB. We have been working extensively on getting the membersh=
ip in line with a national organization. Attached is a "draft" governance =
document that was completed at our meeting last month. When this document =
was initiated, we were unsure of the progress to an EISB and it was develop=
ed to accommodate either a stand-alone retail organization until the EISB w=
as formed or to be used as a part of the EISB organization. AGA has been o=
ff on their own developing details for the retail Gas quadrant of EISB. We=
have been very vocal in stating that they cannot develop these documents i=
n a vacuum with only gas utility representation; they must reach out to Sup=
pleirs, Services, etc. The AGA member told us at our meeting that they pla=
n to have an open meeting sometime in November to gain input. We'll wait a=
nd see how that develops. A Virginia SCC staff member is also working to g=
et us some time in front of the Electricity Committee to update them on our=
progress and continue to foster their support of our endeavor. Please fee=
l free to let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
<< File: RESB_CLEAN_STL_101101.doc <<=20

Nancy A. Hetrick
Enron Corp.
Director, Government Affairs
Phone: 712-366-3399
Pager: 888-912-1426

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Steffes, James D. =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 19, 2001 11:34 AM
To:=09Hetrick, Nancy; Yeung, Charles; Kingerski, Harry; Nicolay, Christi L.=
; Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Shelk, John; Novosel, Sarah
Cc:=09Shapiro, Richard
Subject:=09EISB and Enron

Nancy, etal --

With the discussions at NERC recently to broaden their role, I think that w=
e need to be very coordinated on our EISB message and begin to figure out h=
ow we get AGA to work with the Retail Gas and EEI/UBR to work with the Reta=
il Power quadrants. Let's think about a NARUC message to drive this very q=
uickly (maybe at the next meeting).

Having one body begin to coordinate all of these matters will greatly expan=
d our policy reach.

