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Enron Mail |
Is this good or bad for Enron? My take is that this doesn't help us push f=
or ONE RTO. =20 Jim -----Original Message----- From: Allegretti, Daniel=20 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 12:58 PM To: Lindberg, Susan; Novosel, Sarah; Steffes, James D.; Hoatson, Tom; Frome= r, Howard Subject: FW: FERC grants SMD clarification requested by ISO-NE =20 -----Original Message----- From: Gerity, Patrick M. [mailto:pmgerity@dbh.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 12:28 PM To: Allegretti, Daniel Subject: FW: FERC grants SMD clarification requested by ISO-NE Attached is the much anticipated order granting clarification of the Commis= sion's order on the SMD filing. The heart of this order states that when t= he FERC refused to act on the SMD filings, its action: was not intended to stop ISO-NE's or any other parties' efforts that might = further the objectives of developing and implementing a regional market in = the Northeast. The Commission has already identified many aspects of such = a market that it expects to see: e.g., congestion management through locat= ional marginal pricing, and day ahead and real time markets. These element= s are likewise present in SMD. It thus was not the intention of the Commis= sion that parties should stop work altogether. Continuation of ISO-NE's ef= forts at developing the software and related products necessary to implemen= t SMD would, in fact, be a positive step toward ultimately developing a sin= gle Northeastern market. We note, however, that as it continues with the d= evelopment of SMD, ISO-NE should be mindful of the ultimate goal of a singl= e Northeastern market design. We thus urge ISO-NE to continue with develop= ment of SMD in every aspect, including software, in a sufficiently flexible= manner so that any products developed for SMD may be readily adaptable to = whatever market design is ultimately proposed for the Northeastern RTO. -pg=20 ********************************=20 This message contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION intended sole= ly for the use of the addressee(s) named above. Any disclosure, distributi= on, copying or use of the information by others is strictly prohibited. If= you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by immed= iate reply and delete the original message. Thank you.=20