Enron Mail

Subject:RE: MTG with ELCON and PJM
Date:Fri, 12 Oct 2001 12:47:29 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks. No major issues.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rodriquez, Andy
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 11:03 AM
To: Steffes, James D.
Subject: RE: MTG with ELCON and PJM


You saw this already in yesterday's Restructuring Today, right? I think this doesn't impact our desires to gain support, but wanted to make sure this wasn't news to anybody else. If you want, I will forward to others, unless it is already common knowledge.


But Strange Wording Leads to Questions
About Senate Plan

As Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-NM,
tells it, Senate Majority Leader Tom
Daschle urged him to suspend Energy
& Natural Resources Committee's
effort to mark up "of energy legislation
for this session of Congress."
"Instead, the chairman will propose
comprehensive and balanced energy
legislation that can be added by the
majority leader to the Senate calendar
for potential action prior to
Before the Senate adjourns in the
next few weeks or at the end of the
We got the news at 6:03 pm
yesterday and were unable to get a
clarification. For Bingaman it's
"increasingly clear to the majority
leader and to me that much of what we
are doing in our committee is starting to
encroach on the jurisdictions of many
other committees...
"With the few weeks remaining in
this session, it is now obvious to all
how difficult it is going to be for these
various committees to finish their work
on energy-related provisions.
"Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, the Senate's leadership
sincerely wants to avoid quarrelsome,
divisive votes in committee.
"At a time when Americans all over
the world are pulling together with a
sense of oneness and purpose,
Congress has an obligation at the
moment to avoid those contentious
issues that divide, rather than unite,
Bingaman will build consensus with
members of his committee with other
committee chairs and with other
senators as he readies a proposal to
present to the majority leader.
The message doesn't seem to rule
out getting a package to the majority
leader that could be put into a
conference report at some opportune
time, thus avoiding committee
arguments over drilling versus
comprehensive electricity reform. We
suspect because of Bingaman's views
at the Enron dinner last week that he's
thinking of Senate action next year.
Joe Barton, R-Tex, is going ahead
today with hearings on RTOs, reliability
and the need for comprehensive
electricity legislation.

Andy Rodriquez
Regulatory Affairs - Enron Corp.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steffes, James D.
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 7:43 AM
To: Yeung, Charles; Bestard, Jose; Walton, Steve; Perrino, Dave; Shelk, John; Novosel, Sarah; Rodriquez, Andy; Shortridge, Pat; Nicolay, Christi L.
Cc: Robertson, Linda; Shapiro, Richard
Subject: MTG with ELCON and PJM

Today after the Hearing I attended lunch with John Anderson and Phil Harris. One of the primary points of discussion involved what to do to respond to the NERC legislative efforts?

Basically we agreed that a straightforward delegation of authority over reliability to FERC made sense for all of the groups. Agreeing to that, the idea is to review the Bingaman language and see if our groups could agree to that language.

I think that internally Enron is already there??? John Shelk, if you could pls send out the language to everyone on this e-mail to get agreement that would be very helpful.

I'll let you know how we next proceed. If anyone has any problems, please let me know.
