Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Open Access in California
Date:Mon, 17 Sep 2001 06:14:38 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks. Pls send out.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Pharms, Melinda =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 14, 2001 2:12 PM
To:=09Steffes, James D.
Subject:=09Open Access in California

Hey there Jim. I'm glad you made it back in one piece. I'm sure your wife=
was frantic. =20

FYI: This past week-end, Becky and I attended NESA's annual conference. O=
ne of the highlights was a panel entitled "Power Deregulation." On the pan=
el: Brad Williams, Sr. VP, Entergy Wholesale Operations; Michael Schneide=
r, Director, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E); Steve Gillialand, Sr. VP, Du=
ke Energy North America, LLC; and Jerry Winter, VP, Reliant Energy Services=
. Note: Loretta Lynch, President, CPUC was scheduled to participate on the=
panel as well, but she was a no-show. My guess - she chickened out. It w=
as probably for the best because everyone on the panel "slammed" California=
, the Governor, and the CPUC.

I had the opportunity of questioning Michael Schneider (I asked these via n=
ote cards) of SDG&E in regards to Open Access and where did it look like th=
e legislature was going with it and what was SDG&E's position. On record, =
he said that open access will pass through legislature but that it would be=
"segmented." For example, depending on the size of the customer would dep=
end on if they can participate in regards to open access. The Large custom=
ers can have the opportunity to participate in open access but supposedly b=
ecause the smaller customers "aren't really educated" on the issues of open=
access, they won't be able to participate. (Sounded rather patronizing to=
me, even if he was rather pleasant.) How does SDG&E feel about open acces=
s? He said that they're definitely in favor of open access and feel that =
it is needed but only for large customers and that the smaller customers ar=
en't "quite ready" for open access because again lack of education. Suppos=
edly the smaller customers aren't sophisticated enough I guess.

Jim, question - is this something everyone on the Ca. calls already know in=
cluding you or should I send this out to others as a "FYI" ?
